Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 173
Riddle: Mr. Plessy, one of the best pilots in his town, came to his insurance company to file a report. He said that someone had robbed him in the street, but he couldn't see what the robber had looked like because of his poor eyesight. The insurance manager refused to proceed with the case and called Mr. Plessy a liar. Why?
Answer: Mr. Plessy is a pilot, but it's impossible to work as one if you have poor eyesight.
Eyesight Problems Riddle Meme.
Eyesight Problems Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two species of citizens on a foreign planet: Hamburgs and Helphands. There are 10,000 Hamburgs, and Helphands make up 50% of the population. How many Helphands are on the foreign planet?
Answer: There are 10,000 Helphands on the foreign planet. If there are only two species of citizens on the planet, and Helphands make up 50% of the population, then Hamburgs must make up the other 50% of the population, with 10,000 of them. If there are 10,000 Hamburgs, then there are also 10,000 Helphands.
Two Species on a Foreign Planet Riddle Meme.
Two Species on a Foreign Planet Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One afternoon, Phoebe stopped by her favorite restaurant for lunch, but she saw a waitress and a client arguing. The waitress, Sandra, claims that the client, Dave, had ordered a breakfast special and was now refusing to pay. Dave said that he had only ordered a coffee. Phoebe knew who was lying instantly. Who was it?
Answer: Sandra was lying. You don't order breakfast in the afternoon.
An Afternoon Argument Riddle Meme.
An Afternoon Argument Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Five friends-Albert, Brenda, Carl, Diana, and Eric–raced around a track. Albert finished before Brenda but after Carl. And Diana finished before Eric but after Brenda. In what order did each friend finish?
Answer: From first to last, the order in which the friends finished is: Carl, Albert, Brenda, Diana, and Eric.
You're in the Race Riddle Meme.
You're in the Race Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two rooms in front of you. On the door to each room, there is a sign; only one of the signs tells the truth. The sign on the door to the first room says, "There is treasure here. A monster lurks in the other room,". And the sign on the door to the second room says, "The treasure and the monster are in different rooms,". Where is the treasure?
Answer: The treasure is in the second room. If the first sign is true, then the second sign is true, too. This contradicts the terms of the game. Therefore, the first sign is false, and the second sign is truthful.
Two Rooms, Some Treasure, and a Monster Riddle Meme.
Two Rooms, Some Treasure, and a Monster Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have a certain number of candies, X. If I divide them into groups of three, then two candies will be left. If I divide them into groups of five, then three candies will be left. And if I divide them into groups of seven, then two candies will be left. How many candies do I have?
Answer: I have 23 candies.
Uneven Division of Candies Riddle Meme.
Uneven Division of Candies Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lisa and Lola are operating two different vehicles, but both of them fell asleep. Lisa is driving her car to work, while Lola is flying in an airplane. Whose decision is less wise?
Answer: Lisa's decision is less wise. Lola most likely has a copilot flying with her, but there's no such thing as a co-driver, so Lisa will most likely get into a car accident.
Sleepy Drivers Riddle Meme.
Sleepy Drivers Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chloe is a weather lady. At 11:58PM, she's trying to figure out the probability of sunny weather in 72 hours. What would the probability be?
Answer: Zero probability. In 72 hours, it will be close to midnight, and it can't possibly be sunny at midnight.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The giraffe is taller than the lion but shorter than the palm tree. Which animal is the tallest?
Answer: The giraffe is the tallest animal. A palm tree is not an animal, duh!
It's Troublesome Being This Tall! Riddle Meme.
It's Troublesome Being This Tall! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man wearing a red shirt lives in a red house. A man wearing a yellow shirt lives in a yellow house. A man wearing a blue shirt lives in a blue house. Who lives in the white house?
Answer: The President lives in the white house.
Home of the Colors Riddle Meme.
Home of the Colors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.