Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 86
Riddle: Brent was in a seven-story building when a massive fire started. The guy jumped out of the window, but didn't even bruise himself! How is it possible?
Answer: Brent was on the first floor, and jumped out of the first floor window. After all, even though it's a seven story building, I didn't say he was on the seventh floor!
How Did he Not get Hurt?  Riddle Meme.
How Did he Not get Hurt? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One evening, Sabrina was walking in the park when she found her friend Steven, as well as his bike, on the ground. Sabrina helped the guy up, and she asked him what had happened; Steven said, "I was riding my bike when someone threw a stone at me. I lost control of my bike and fell,". Sabrina decides to question three other people who were in the park at the time. Camilla said that she was having her morning run and didn't see anything. Adam said that he was sitting on a nearby bench, reading a book. And Oliver said that he was having a barbecue with his friends; they could confirm this. Who is lying?
Answer: Camilla couldn't have her MORNING run because it was EVENING. Therefore, she is lying.
An Evening Bike Ride Riddle Meme.
An Evening Bike Ride Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ronald is a chef. He is going to cook a meal. He has three stoves in front of him-a gas stove, a wood stove, and a coal stove–but he only has one match. What should Ronald light first?
Answer: Ronald should light the match first because the match needs to be lit up before he can light up anything else. After all, I never said that the match was lit in the first place!
Which One to Light First?  Riddle Meme.
Which One to Light First? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Fortini has been married for 10 years. For her 10th wedding anniversary, she got a pair of beautiful diamond earrings. Mrs. Fortini also has two daughters–Beatrice and Ivy–who always touch her stuff. One day, Mrs. Fortini was going to put on the earrings, when she found out that they had been stolen. She concluded that it must have been one of her daughters, so she asked them, "I've told you two so many times to not take my things! Who took my jewelry this time?". Beatrice said, "I never touch your jewelry box!". Ivy also denied taking her mom's stuff; "I don't wear earrings!", she said. Who stole the earrings?
Answer: It was Ivy who stole the earrings. Her mother didn't specify which piece of jewelry was missing.
Where is the Jewelry?  Riddle Meme.
Where is the Jewelry? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chelsea works in a department store. One day, a mute woman walks up to her. The woman puts her finger in one ear, and makes a circular motion with her fist near her other ear. Chelsea immediately understands that the woman wants a pencil sharpener. Next, a deaf man comes up to Chelsea. How can he explain to her that he wants a pair of scissors?
Answer: The man can just say it. He's DEAF, not mute; the guy can't hear, but it doesn't mean that he can't SPEAK.
How Can he Explain it?  Riddle Meme.
How Can he Explain it? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four friends– Sam, Evan, Rachel, and Olivia– go out for lunch one Saturday morning. The friends order their food, as well as a big pot of blackberry tea. Sam and Rachel decide to drink the tea, but Evan and Olivia do not; Evan takes a large cup of coffee, and Olivia takes lemonade. After drinking the tea, Sam and Rachel feel sick and pass out. When police officers and paramedics arrive, the officers question Evan and Olivia–why did they order different drinks? Evan says, "I took a large cup of coffee because I didn't sleep well last night, and I needed a lot of caffeine to help me stay awake and alert,". Olivia says, "I took lemonade because I am terribly allergic to raspberries. Even one bite gives me a severe rash!". Who poisoned the tea?
Answer: Olivia poisoned the tea. She said she was allergic to raspberries, but the tea the friends ordered contained blackberries, not raspberries. Olivia lied about her allergy to have an alibi.
Four Friends and Tea Riddle Meme.
Four Friends and Tea Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Tatum assigned a massive summer assignment to her students–they each had to learn a new language. It could be any language they wanted to learn, though. After the summer break, Mrs. Tatum asked her students what languages they had been learning, and how it had been going. Christopher said, "I enjoy learning Mandarin!". Anthony said, "I've been learning Brazilian; it was really difficult but interesting!". Gianna said, "I chose to learn German because my ancestors are from Germany!". Mrs. Tatum did not believe one of her students. Who is lying?
Answer: Anthony is lying. He couldn't be learning Brazilian because this "language" doesn't exist; people speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Learning Lots of Languages Riddle Meme.
Learning Lots of Languages Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Spencer wakes up in the middle of a forest. A few seconds later, a witch and three magic tunnels–a red, a yellow, and a blue–appear in front of the guy. The witch tells Spencer, "Two of these tunnels will make you disappear forever, and the other one will send you back to your house. Listen to these clues VERY carefully,". Clue 1: Choose the red tunnel, and you won't not disappear. Clue 2: It's a lie to say that the yellow tunnel isn't dissimilar. Clue 3: The blue tunnel doesn't have less in common with the red than with the yellow. Which tunnel should Spencer choose?
Answer: Spencer should choose the yellow tunnel. If he chooses the red tunnel, he will not NOT disappear; in other words, Spencer WILL disappear if he enters the red tunnel. We can therefore exclude the red tunnel. If he chooses the blue tunnel, he will also disappear; this is because the blue tunnel doesn't have less in common with red than yellow. In other words, the blue tunnel has more in common with red than yellow, so the blue tunnel will also make Spencer disappear. Choosing the yellow tunnel is the safest option because if it's a lie to say that yellow isn't dissimilar, the truth is that yellow IS different from the red and blue tunnels.
Three Tunnels Riddle Meme.
Three Tunnels Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Harris went to the police station to file a report. She said that someone had attacked her. Here is her story: "I was in the restaurant bathroom, fixing my makeup. Suddenly, a stranger hit me on the head! I didn't see what this person looked like because he approached me from behind!". The police officer refused to file the report and sent Mrs. Harris home. Why?
Answer: If Mrs. Harris was fixing her makeup, she was most likely looking in the mirror (after all, she wouldn't want to ruin her makeup, right?). If someone had approached the woman from behind, she would have DEFINITELY seen what he or she looked like. Therefore, Mrs. Harris lied, and made up the whole story.
Was There an Attacker?  Riddle Meme.
Was There an Attacker? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Leslie bought some ice cream on Friday. She kept all of the flavors a secret from her friends, although she wanted to enjoy it for dessert the next day. When Leslie woke up on Saturday, she didn't find the ice cream; someone had eaten it! The girl decided to ask her friends if they had eaten the ice cream. Geoff said that he was about to leave for work, and hadn't seen anything. Christian said that he was excited to try the new butterscotch ice cream on Saturday, albeit afraid that he was going to miss it. And Margot said that she didn't even know about the ice cream, but was also willing to try it. Who knows something?
Answer: Christian couldn't be sure that there was a butterscotch taste among the ice cream flavors because Leslie kept all of the flavors in secret. Therefore, he knows something about the stolen ice cream.
Secret Ice Cream Riddle Meme.
Secret Ice Cream Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.