Riddle: Upon my top there is a golden shop wherein a dollar can't be spent. Along my sides stretch nature's slides which will never relent. At my feet where people meet full of ire, dread and lament. What am I?
Answer: A mountain. On the top one can find clarity and make memories that a conventional shop can't sell. Nature's slides are rivers. At my feet or foot of the mountain is the first step and place everyone has to be to begin the climb, which will be difficult (ire, dread and lament)
Riddle: From a tent, with my band, a sickness I induce. Not a camper, not a musician, not an illness. With my paint, wearing tailored clothes, my remedy heals all. Not an artist, not a tailor, not a doctor. Along follow sharp knives and teeth, to some a gift and others a nightmare. Not a cop, not a zookeeper, not a dream. What am I?
Answer: A clown. performes in a tent with other performers(clowns,animals,knife jugglers), makes people laugh, many find clowns funny or frightening.