
Riddle Count: 3
Riddle: What gets bigger when more is taken away?
Answer: A hole.
What gets bigger when more is taken away? Riddle Meme.
What gets bigger when more is taken away? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes. What am I?
Answer: Your breath.
I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes  Riddle Meme.
I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I'm found in socks, scarves and mittens; and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?
Answer: Yarn.
hehehhehehe Riddle Meme.
hehehhehehe Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.