Riddle: Terry had been driving for nearly an hour when he encountered a backup of several cars which were all waiting to pass through a tunnel. He was listening to the weather report on his car's radio while awaiting his turn when he heard that a severe mixture of snow and rain accompanied by flash flooding and powerful winds were expected to strike the area within minutes. Terry dreaded this type of dangerous winter driving, so he wanted to get home quickly. As he paid the required fee to pass through the tunnel, Terry could only think about the weather report and the severe driving conditions predicted. Suddenly, a downpour of water, followed by a curtain of liquid white covered Terry's car. He did not use his windshield wipers though, and in fact, he removed both hands from the steering wheel just as another downpour of water blasted his car. A few seconds later, a second deluge of water crashed down on his car, followed by a mighty wind. At that point, Terry again grasped the steering wheel and regained control of the car. After these events, Terry was able to drive home safely. Did Terry panic during this encounter by not using his windshield wipers and removing his hands from the steering wheel, or is Terry a better driver than these events indicate?
Answer: The tunnel Terry went through was a car wash. A driver is always supposed to take his hands off the steering wheel and avoid using windshield wipers when the car is passing through the soap, water, and powerful drying wind at the end.
Stormy Weather Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ron and Terry are both dressed in camouflage clothing and are completely surrounded by dead bodies. As veterans of the Army, they are both on a mission to locate some of their comrades. Neither Terry nor Ron are carrying any weapons, but they have no fear of being harmed. They look about the terrain which surrounds them, but all they see are grass and large and small stones. Terry jumps up on one of the large stones to get a better view of their surroundings, but Ron suggests to Terry that his standing on the big stone might be viewed as disrespectful, and Terry jumps down. "I counted 27 flags while I was up there," says Terry to Ron, "so let's go check them out." In what activity are Ron and Terry engaged?
Answer: Ron and Terry are veterans who are looking for the grave sites of some of the soldiers they served with in the Army. The large and small stones are tombstones, and the American flags mark the graves of the veterans who are buried in that cemetery.
A Mission of Honor Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lucille had recently received her real estate license and was out evaluating a bunch of properties in a certain neighborhood. As she traveled around the area, she saw some properties which were very expensive, and others that were more affordable. The area was sprinkled with a mixture of little greenhouses, a couple of hotels, a few businesses, and she noticed there was also some access to railway travel. Some of these properties were for sale but others were not. The bizarre thing is, Lucille ended up in jail three separate times that day and had to be bailed out on each occasion! She received no traffic citations and swears she did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet, she was incarcerated three times that day. What do you suppose happened that caused her to be locked up in jail three times in one day?
Answer: Lucille had indeed recently received her real estate license, however, that really had little to do with the fact she was playing a game of Monopoly with some friends; and unfortunately for her, landed in jail three times during the game, and had to bail herself out so she could continue playing.
Repeat Offender Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two friends, from a very cold town in Minnesota, each had unusual life skills which helped them in their adventures together. The first of the friends was a tall, lanky individual who, at times, possessed almost super-human strength, had the ability to remember everything he ever ate, and could accurately forecast the weather by reading a bunion on his foot --- but he wasn't known for being very intelligent. The second of the friends, known for his higher intellect, made a lot of short, solo flights, but he never obtained his pilot's license. He usually wore a pair of aviation goggles on top of his head. Their arch enemies were two Russian-like spies who doggedly pursued them, and these spies were led by a man without fear. Can you name the two friends from this very cold Minnesota town?
Answer: Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose, otherwise known as Rocky and Bullwinkle. The two Russian-like spies (Boris and Natasha) were lead by the infamous Fearless Leader.
Dynamic Duo Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A sheriff is in hot pursuit of the notorious bank robber Black Bart. The six-shooters of the lawman and the criminal glisten in the sun, as Black Bart speeds his way on foot to the first horse he sees, and quickly mounts it. The sheriff, in hot pursuit, jumps on the back of the closest steed he can find, and continues the heated chase, but he is unable to close the gap between them. After a short time, a man and a woman, who are witnessing the chase, shout out loudly to the lawman and the criminal, "Meet you at the saloon in 30 minutes for something cold!" What is going on in this strange scenario, and who are the man and the woman who shouted out the invitation to the saloon?
Answer: The "sheriff" and "Black Bart" are two children pretending to be a lawman chasing an outlaw, and are riding horses on a merry-go-round at an amusement park or a western tourist town. The man and the woman are their parents who are inviting them to the "saloon" for some cold drinks or ice cream.
STOP!!! In the Name of the Law! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I'm afraid my grandmother may be getting a bit senile. The other day she told me she was planning a special Easter party for about 25 of her friends, and she asked me to go to the store for her, to pick up the following items on this list she gave me: 25 green apples, 25 peaches, 25 mangos, 25 juicy pears, 25 plums, 25 lemons, 25 coconuts, 25 cantaloupes, 25 watermelons, 25 A&W cream sodas, 25 strawberry cheesecakes, 25 pieces of bubblegum, 1 bag of crushed pineapple, 1 bag of blueberries, 1 bag of cotton candy, 1 bag of wild blackberries, 1 bag of buttered popcorn, and 1 bag of sour cherries. Well, what do you think? Is my grandmother’s trolly car starting to leave its track, or are her mental faculties still in good working order? Just what is her plan for this party?
Answer: Grandma is planning an Easter jelly-bean-eating party for her 25 friends. She plans to give one of each of the gourmet jelly beans listed to each of her friends to see which flavors her friends like the best.
A Strange Party Planner Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Beverly is generally considered to be a very practical and emotionally stable woman, but once each year at the beginning of March, she spends $4,000 of her personal savings on her favorite hobby -- watching dog butts. Over the course of a ten-day period, she closely observes the rear ends of at least 16 different dogs. She is so utterly obsessed with her hobby, that she watches these dog butts day and night, stopping only 26 times during the ten-day period to sleep and eat. During this dog butt-watching marathon, she is compelled to carry the following items with her: a bag, an ax, and a special pair of shoes. What kind of a whacked-out hobby is Beverly involved in which creates such an obsession for her each year?
Answer: Beverly enters the Great Alaskan Iditarod Race each year with her 16 Husky mushing dogs. Each competitor must carry a sleeping bag, an axe, and a pair of snow shoes. Of course, being on her sled at the back of her dog team, she has no choice but to see the rear ends of her dog team.
A Weird Obsession? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: It was during the autumn season of last year when Ruth began seeing a psychiatrist due to "hallucinations" she said she was experiencing. Ruth had lived her entire life in the city but had moved far out into a very rural suburb near a forest, and close to a small pond. She reported to her psychiatrist she imagined seeing a large letter "V" in the sky one day while walking outside, as well as hearing numerous high-pitched voices she felt were trying to communicate with her. After that day, nearly every time she took a stroll outside, she would see the letter "V" up in the air, accompanied by the voices. Sometimes she reported sighting up to five of these "V" letters with the distant voices calling to her, during her daily outside walks. The psychiatrist thought for a moment, and then told Ruth she wasn't experiencing any hallucinations, but rather, was seeing ....? What did the psychiatrist suggest Ruth had been observing?
Answer: Having spent her whole life in the city, Ruth was not familiar with seeing flocks of geese (traveling in a "V" shape) heading south for the winter during the autumn season.
"V" is not Always for Vendetta Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A thief was in the process of robbing the house of a wealthy widow. As he was rifling through the dresser drawers where her jewelry box was located, he came upon a bunch of diamonds. He knew the diamonds were genuine because he had seen the same type many times before, but he left them untouched in the drawer and continued searching the room. When he heard police sirens approaching, he ran from the home empty-handed, not retrieving the diamonds. Did this thief flunk out of crook college? Why didn't he grab those diamonds when he had the chance?
Answer: The diamonds he spotted in the dresser drawer were a bunch of playing cards with the suit of 13 diamonds facing up where he could see them.
A Poor Excuse for a Crook? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Professor Hunter, a former world traveler and recently retired community college teacher, is now able to pursue his favorite hobby in the comfort of his own home. Several diplomas, certificates, and a license to practice his hobby adorn his study where he continues to engage in his favorite pastime, which also happens to be the subject he taught part-time at the community college. He told me of a nightmare he had last week after he fell asleep in his study. The professor said he dreamed he was on a hunting expedition in an African jungle, far from any civilization. In his nightmare, he found himself alone, without any weapons, and was suddenly surrounded by a lion, a hippopotamus, a leopard, a cheetah, and a ferocious cape buffalo. They were just closing in for the kill when he suddenly awoke from his dream. But was it a dream? Professor Hunter said he nearly had a heart attack when he looked around the room, and realized the dream was real after all! What was the professor's hobby, and why was he so frightened when he awoke from his dream?
Answer: Professor Hunter was a world traveler as well as a big game hunter. He studied the art of taxidermy, got his license, and taught this favorite hobby of his at the community college for many years. He decorated his study with the heads of several big game animals he had bagged while hunting in Africa. He gave himself a genuine scare when he awakened from his dream to see the heads of the very animals of which he had just dreamt.
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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