Riddle: A man and two pelicans are stuck in our hotel room... if the zoo finds him it will shoot him for stealing! There is only one door and a toilet and the fire escape is busted. How does he escape?
Answer: Hide in the pelicans mouths of course! (One pelican is too small for a whole person but two might be enough)
The Pelican Problem Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The cops break into a house where they see a man kicking someone's head in until the one getting kicked is dead... and then he does it again! But the cops do not arrest him... in fact they can't arrest him. Why not?
Answer: Because the man is Mario and he is a videogame!
The kicking murderer Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Every day, an old woman takes a dollar and puts it in a jar. When it has been a year she looks in the jar and instead of hundreds of dollars, she has NO dollars in the jar..... but she is very happy. The question is why?
Answer: The old woman keeps ants in the jar and every day she feeds them a dollar to make into her nest.
Dollars in a jar Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A pirate is stuck on a desert island where there is nobody else living there. The pirate has one gun that will only shoot one time. One day the pirate sees their worst enemy and shoots it in the head...... but it does not die. Why not?
Answer: The pirates worst enemy looks the same as the pirate and is also a pirate..... so the pirate had only seen their reflection and thought it was their worst enemy. So they shot the gun at the sea which did not die.
Desert Island Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A witch does another magic trick where a man goes into a compartment and then disappears into a puff of smoke/dust. The children check the walls and the floor of the compartment but there is no way out. How did it happen?
Answer: The witch turned the man into one of the children so when the children went into the compartment to check they didn't notice that the man was right there (also the witch is lazy so she didn't clean the compartment and that's where the dust came from) (This was worked out by my friend and my friends friend)
Other Magic Trick Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man is in a dark room where he is warm and safe from the outside, but he really wants to go outside even though he knows he might die if he goes outside. In the end he breaks down the wall and falls outside and almost dies. What was so bad inside the room?
Answer: The dark room was a shark and the man had been eaten by the shark. The shark was filled with acid and so that was the bad thing inside the shark. It was better to go outside and maybe drown than stay in the shark and be disolved into food.
the mysterious room Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A woman and her husband have had a big fight and they are fighting so the man says "I want a divorce"...... but when the woman gets her husband a divorce, he is very sad. How can this be??
Answer: The man had really said "I want a big horse" but it was very hard to hear what he had said because he was mumbling.
Riddle: A very tall man and a very hard turtle and a very lonely scorpion are next to a river and so they decide to have a swim race... "whoever can go on to the other side of the river first is the winner" says the scorpion.....but who WILL WIN?
Answer: The lonely scorpion will win because actually the very tall man is really just a tree and the very hard turtle is actually a rock (the clue is that the scropion was very lonely so it thought the rock and the tree were it's friends)
Race in the River Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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