Riddle: As you know, Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. So, If he said, "My nose is about to grow." Would he be lying or not?
Answer: Neither work. True: He's telling the truth so his nose wouldn't grow, Causing a lie. Lie: If he's lying, His nose WILL grow so it would be truth.
As you know Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 15 fish in a tank. The owner leaves for the day. During the day, 5 fish drown, 4 fish die, and 2 fish swim away. The owner comes home. When he sees them, he counts them. How many fish does he count?
Answer: 15! Fish don't drown, They can't swim away because they're in a tank, and if they died, they're still IN the tank
There are 15 fish in a tank. The owner leaves for the day. During the day, 5 fish drown Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.