Riddle: I am as loud as a plane, as precise as a pen, I never run out, even when I'm on end, I can be refilled. But when I stop working, I just need to recharge. I can help you with ink and paper, just tell me when! What Am I?
Answer: A Printer!
The Machine that Spews Ink Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There once was a man named Jake, he liked to work with glass, but when it came to the end of the day he had to sit and watch, as the sun went down, everything was getting colder, he worried about his Glass sculpture, which was not finished, nowhere near! It was even still hot. Why did he worry about the glass sculpture?
Answer: It was still hot, meaning it can fall over easily, or cool down, meaning that it would be hard to continue.
The Old Glass Man Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I always sit with my dragons, all day long, whether it's night or day, no matter what I'm always there with my dragons. If you want to know, these are my dragons, valkOv, Brutus, Snow ghost, mephIstopheles, solDen, gemIni alpha, crystAl, and capricorN. What is my Name? (All dragons are from Dragon Mania Legends!)
Answer: Obsidian! (Every dragon name has a random uppercase letter, putting all the uppercase letters together spells "Obsidian")
A Lady and Her Dragons Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I am a holiday, of course, celebrated in December, I am celebrated until New Year, People who celebrate me are considered Evil by many Religions, what am I?
Answer: I am Yule!
The December Holiday Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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