
Riddle Count: 1509
Riddle: What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?
Answer: He makes the firefly.
What insect does a blacksmith manufacture riddle Riddle Meme.
What insect does a blacksmith manufacture riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What English word has three consecutive double letters?
Answer: Bookkeeper
Double Letters Challenge Question Riddle Meme.
Double Letters Challenge Question Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What house has post on top, A roof at the bottom, While the rain comes from below?
Answer: A boat.
Rain coming from below Riddle Meme.
Rain coming from below Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I am a tale in children's minds. I keep their secrets and share them inside. I blur their thoughts into fantasies kept Like a canvas of art or a submarine depth. Though an illusion, occurs every night; I give them a fantasy, I give them a fright. Nor good or bad, but It's interesting to tell. What am I?
Answer: I am a dream.
I am a tale in children's minds. I keep their secrets and share them inside Riddle Meme.
I am a tale in children's minds. I keep their secrets and share them inside Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: In Jamaica, if you drop a steel ball weighing five pounds from a height of 45 inches, will it fall more rapidly through the water at 20 degrees Fahrenheit or water at 40 degrees Fahrenheit? Or will it make no difference?
Answer: 40 degrees Fahrenheit. At 20 degrees Fahrenheit the water would be ice.
In Jamaica, if you drop a steel ball weighing five pounds from a height of 45 inches Riddle Meme.
In Jamaica, if you drop a steel ball weighing five pounds from a height of 45 inches Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
Answer: Counterfeit money.
tell no tale Riddle Meme.
tell no tale Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have endless make-overs but I never know my look. I can make any dull room bright. What am I?
Answer: A painted wall.
Make-overs Riddle Meme.
Make-overs Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There's one "sport" in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. What is it?
Answer: Boxing.
What's the Score? Riddle Meme.
What's the Score? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? 1. Dan ran in N.Y. City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. 2. Mike considered being a farmer before he moved to the city. 3. Jeff is a top-notch computer consultant and wants to install Ben's new computer next week. 4. The murderer had his leg amputated last month. 5. Ben met Jack for the first time six months ago. 6. Jack has been in seclusion since the crime. 7. Dan used to drink heavily. 8. Ben and Jeff built their last computers together. 9. The murderer is Jack's brother; they grew up together in Seattle.
Answer: 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't be running a marathon of any magnitude that quickly. 3. Ben is not the murderer if he just met Jack, since Jack and the murderer grew up together. 4. This leaves Jeff and Mike. Since Jeff is still alive (he wants to install a new computer next week, present tense) he must be the murderer. Mike also didn't grow up with Jack. It has been determined that Jack, Dan and Jeff are all alive. Ben must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.
There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? Riddle Meme.
There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I can flutter and take your breath away. I can take a beating, but do not bruise. If I stopped you would be sure to lose. Everyday I am with you. What am I?
Answer: Your heart.
Beating Riddle Meme.
Beating Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.