
Riddle Count: 1509
Riddle: What do you call unhappy cranberries?
Answer: Blueberries.
Unhappy Cranberries Riddle Meme.
Unhappy Cranberries Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: First, you see me in the grass dressed in yellow gay; next, I am in dainty white, then I fly away. What am I?
Answer: I am a Dandelion.
Then I fly away riddle Riddle Meme.
Then I fly away riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Violet, indigo, blue and green, yellow, orange, and red; are the colors you have seen after the storm has fled. What am I?
Answer: I am a Rainbow.
Beauty after the Storm Riddle Meme.
Beauty after the Storm Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Name the only sport in which the ball is always in possession of the team on defense, and the offensive team can score without touching the ball?
Answer: Baseball!
Defense's Ball Riddle Meme.
Defense's Ball Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
Answer: A hole.
Weightless Riddle Meme.
Weightless Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: While exploring the wilds of Canada, George was captured by hostile wood fairies. Zion, the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be boiled in water. If the statement were true, he would be fried in oil. George found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could have made?
Answer: George said: "You will boil me in water." The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fried in oil. They can only fry him in oil if he makes a true statement, but if they do, it would make his final statement false. The fairies had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set George free.
George's Choice Riddle Meme.
George's Choice Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Late afternoons I often bathe. I'll soak in water piping hot. My essence goes through my see through clothes. Used up am I; I've gone to pot. What am I?
Answer: I'm a tea bag!
In Piping Hot Water Riddle Meme.
In Piping Hot Water Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two sentries were on duty outside a barracks. One faced up the road to watch for anyone approaching from the North. The other looked down the road to see if anyone approached from the South. Suddenly one of them said to the other, "Why are you smiling?" How did he know that his companion was smiling?
Answer: Although the guards were looking in opposite directions, they were not back to back. They were facing each other.
 Two sentries were on duty outside a barracks Riddle Meme.
Two sentries were on duty outside a barracks Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Each morning I appear to lie at your feet, all day I will follow no matter how fast you run, yet I nearly perish In the midday sun. What am I?
Answer: Your shadow.
Each Morning I appear Riddle Riddle Meme.
Each Morning I appear Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One word in this sentence is misspelled. What word is it?
Answer: MISSPELLED. It isn't spelled wrong, the one word in this sentence IS "misspelled."
Misspelled Word Riddle Riddle Meme.
Misspelled Word Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.