
Riddle Count: 1509
Riddle: Carlos was out walking one day. He met his father-in-law's only daughter's mother-in-law. What did Carlos call her?
Answer: He called her Mom!
Carlos's relative Riddle Meme.
Carlos's relative Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You heard me before, Yet you hear me again, Then I die, 'Till you call me again. What am I?
Answer: An echo.
Can you hear me? Riddle Meme.
Can you hear me? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How do you make "one" disappear?
Answer: Add a G to it and it's gone.
Make One disappear Riddle Meme.
Make One disappear Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet OFF the ground. What am I?
Answer: A Wheelbarrow.
I have two arms, but fingers none riddle Riddle Meme.
I have two arms, but fingers none riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the stream?
Answer: Take the goose over first and come back. Then take the fox over and bring the goose back. Now take the corn over and come back alone to get the goose. Take the goose over and the job is done!
Fox, Goose and a Sack of Corn Riddle Meme.
Fox, Goose and a Sack of Corn Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What two whole, postive numbers have the same answer when multiplied together as when added together?
Answer: 2 and 2.
Numbers Multiplied and Added Riddle Riddle Meme.
Numbers Multiplied and Added Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Trains travel from one town to another town all day, always on the same track, always going nonstop and at the same speed. The noon train took 80 minutes to complete the trip, but the 4 PM train took an hour and 20 minutes. Why?
Answer: 80 minutes is the same as an hour and 20 minutes.
Trains Riddle Meme.
Trains Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Where will you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?
Answer: On a Map.
Empty Lands Riddle Meme.
Empty Lands Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How many months have 28 days?
Answer: All of them.
How many months have 28 days Riddle Meme.
How many months have 28 days Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: It goes up, but at the same time goes down. Up toward the sky, and down toward the ground. It's present tense and past tense too, come for a ride, just me and you. What is it?
Answer: A See-Saw.
Up Down Past Present Riddle Meme.
Up Down Past Present Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.