
Riddle Count: 1509
Riddle: Three cars had driven into a parking lot at the same time, and the three drivers left them all for the attendant to park. Unfortunately, he isn't too good at remembering exactly which driver drove which car. However, he is sure of these 6 facts: a. Colin drove the BMW if and only if Mr. Cooper drove the Avenger. b. Alan drove the Cortina if and only if Mr. Cooper drove the BMW. c. Colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Mr. Andrews drove the BMW. d. Brian is Mr. Andrews if and only if Colin drove the BMW. e. Mr. Cooper drove the Avenger if and only if Alan is Mr. Brown. f. Colin is Mr. Brown if and only if Alan drove the Cortina. Who arrived with which car?
Answer: Brian Brown drove the BMW, Alan Andrew drove the Avenger, and Colin Cooper drove the Cortina.
Car mixup Riddle Meme.
Car mixup Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?
Answer: I am Sand.
I Build Castles Riddle Meme.
I Build Castles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What is the shape of a kiss?
Answer: Elliptical—a-lip-tickle.
Shape of a kiss Riddle Meme.
Shape of a kiss Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What is the highest number that can be written with three digits?
Answer: (9⁹)⁹ = 9³⁸⁷⁴²⁰⁴⁸⁹, which is a number with more than 369 million digits.
Hight Three Digit Number Riddle Riddle Meme.
Hight Three Digit Number Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man buys a rope from a woman for $3.00 and hands the woman a $10 bill. The woman goes into the grocery store next door to get change. She returns and gives the man $7.00. After the man leaves, the clerk from the store comes and says, "Hey, that was a counterfeit bill you gave me." The woman gives the clerk a good bill. How much has the woman lost?
Answer: Seven dollars plus the rope.
Counterfeit Bill Riddle Meme.
Counterfeit Bill Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There is a barrel with no lid and some wine in it. "This barrel of wine is more than half full," said Curly. "No it's not," says Mo. "It's less than half full." Without any measuring implements and without removing any wine from the barrel, how can they easily determine who is correct?
Answer: Tilt the barrel until the wine barely touches the lip of the barrel. If the bottom of the barrel is visible then it is less than half full. If the barrel bottom is still completely covered by the wine, then it is more than half full.
Barrel of Wine Riddle Meme.
Barrel of Wine Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A hundred stones are placed, in a straight line, a yard distant from each other. How many yards must a person walk, who undertakes to pick them up, and place them in a basket stationed one yard from the first stone?
Answer: In solving this question it is clear that to pick up the first stone and put it into the basket, the person must walk two yards, one in going for the stone and another in returning with it; that for the second stone he must walk four yards, and so on increasing by two as far as the hundredth, when he must walk two hundred yards, so that the sum total will be the product of 202 multiplied by 50, or 10,100 yards. If any one does not see why we multiply 202 by 50 in getting the answer, we refer him to his arithmetic.
A hundred stones Riddle Meme.
A hundred stones Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A hiker comes to a fork in the road and doesn't know which way to go to reach his destination. There are two men at the fork, one of whom always tells the truth while the other always lies. The hiker doesn't know which is which, though. He may ask one of the men only one question to find his way. Which man does he ask, and what is the question?
Answer: Either man should be asked the following question: "If I were to ask you if this is the way I should go, would you say yes?" While asking the question, the hiker should be pointing at either of the directions going from the fork.
Fork In the Road Riddle Riddle Meme.
Fork In the Road Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two women and two doctors walk into an ice cream parlor. They each order an ice cream cone. When their ice creams come, there is only 1 strawberry,1 chocolate and 1 vanilla. How come they didn't complain?
Answer: One of the women was a doctor!
Ice Cream Parlor Riddle Meme.
Ice Cream Parlor Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A young man decides to buy a collector's baseball card. He pays $60 for it. After a month, the value of the card has increased to $70 and he decides to sell it. But already a few days later he regrets his decision to sell the collector's item, and he buys it again. Unfortunately he has to pay $80 to get it back, so he loses $10. After a year of owning the baseball card, he finally decides to sell it for $100. What is his overall profit?
Answer: $30.00. Overall profit, not net profit!
Unlucky Baseball Card Riddle Meme.
Unlucky Baseball Card Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.