
Riddle Count: 1509
Riddle: Robert and David played several golf matches against each other in a week. They played for a pizza at each match, but no pizzas were purchased until the end of the week. If at any time Robert and David had the same number of wins, those pizzas were canceled. Robert won four matches (but no pizzas), and David won three pizzas. How many rounds of golf were played?
Answer: Eleven, David won 7 matches, 4 to cancel out Robert's 4 wins, and 3 more to win the pizzas.
Rounds of Golf Riddle Meme.
Rounds of Golf Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Gaze at this sentence for just about sixty seconds and then explain what makes it quite different from the average sentence. Quick! What is it?
Answer: It contains all of the letters in the alphabet.
Quick! Riddle Meme.
Quick! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four members of a band are walking to a night concert. They decide to take a shortcut, but must cross a bridge. Luckily they have one flashlight. Because of the varying size of their instruments, it takes each member a different amount of time to cross the bridge - it takes the first person one minute, the second person two minutes, the third person five minutes and the fourth person ten minutes. They must cross the bridge in pairs, travelling at the slower speed so if the one minute person went with the ten minute person, it would take a total of ten minutes. Since there is only one flashlight, one person must come back across the bridge, then another pair can cross. They only have 17 minutes to cross the bridge and still get to the concert on time. What order should they cross to get everyone across and get to the concert?
Answer: First, the one minute person and the two minute person must cross the bridge, for a total of two minutes. Then the one minute person should come back with flashlight - total of three minutes. The five minute person and the ten minute person cross together next, making the total thirteen minutes. Now the two minute person goes back and (total now fifteen minutes) and gets the one minute person and they cross together bringing the total to seventeen minutes.
Four members of a band  Riddle Meme.
Four members of a band Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A room with no windows or doors, walks in the night, grows in a day, is found where there is death and decay. What is it?
Answer: Mushrooms.
Room with no windows or doors Riddle Meme.
Room with no windows or doors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What happens only in the middle of each month, in all of the seasons, except summer and happens only in the night, never in the day?
Answer: The letter N
Never in Day Riddle Meme.
Never in Day Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two numbers whose product added to the sum of their squares is 109, and the difference of whose squares is 24. What are the two numbers?
Answer: 5 and 7. (5)² = 25(7)² = 49(5x7)+25+49=10949-25=24
There are two numbers whose product added to the sum of their squares is 109 Riddle Meme.
There are two numbers whose product added to the sum of their squares is 109 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What hath but three feet, three hands, and three eyes?
Answer: Two pirates.
Three feet, hands and eyes  Riddle Meme.
Three feet, hands and eyes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?
Answer: Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out!
Bottle, Cork, and Coin Riddle Meme.
Bottle, Cork, and Coin Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The sharp slim blade, that cuts the wind. What is it?
Answer: A blade of grass.
Cuts The Wind Riddle Meme.
Cuts The Wind Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: As I was going to the mall I met a man with seven wives, Each wive held two bags, Each bag held a mother cat, Each mother cat had six babies, How many people where going to the mall?
Answer: One! As I was going to the mall I met a man...
Going to the mall Riddle Meme.
Going to the mall Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.