Riddle: A man's wife once died. The policed called the man and said that the crime scene was 20 minutes away from his home. The man arrived to the crime scene and was arrested on the spot. Why?
Answer: Because the police did not give the man the exact location and only said that the crime scene was 20 minutes away.
Crime scene Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man went up to a hotel room and knocked on the door. A woman answered the door. The man apologized and said that he thought that was his hotel room. As soon as he left the woman panicked and called the police. Why?
Answer: Because it is unusual to knock on your own door.
Mysterious room Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Imagine that you are driving a bus. The bus turns and drops off 2 people. 10 minutes later 7 people are dropped off. What is the driver's name?
Answer: Whatever your name is because u are driving.
Name game Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man was shot in the back of his head. His daughter was a suspect. Her alibi stated that she was at the beach the entire day and saw that her father dead when she returned. The police knew she was lying. How?