Riddle: The Smiths were a wealthy family. They lived in a large circular house. When Mr. Smith came back he noticed that his favorite jersey was ruined. He asked who did this. Mrs. Smith said I was washing the cloths. The daughter said I was drawing a picture. The son said I was playing basketball. The maid said I was dusting in the corners. Who ruined the jersey.
Answer: The Maid did! Because she said she was dusting in the corners. But the Smiths own a CIRCULAR house!
The Smiths House Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A family of 5 moved into a old house. The following night they heard "When I find you, I will eat you!" The daughter disappeared in the morning. That night they heard again," when I find you I will eat you!!" The son disappeared. And again, and again one by one they were disappearing until it was just the father left. He walked around the house one night to figure out what was happening, and saw his family hiding in a closet. What happend to the family?
Answer: The family walked out of the closet and they packed their stuff to get ready to leave. When they oped the door they saw an old woman picking her nose saying, "When I find you, I will eat you!"
When I find you I will eat you! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: In a river, there's a boat. In a boat, there's a lady with a pretty red coat. If you don't know her name, that's a shame. I said her name in the middle of this riddle. What's her name?
Answer: Her name is Eve! This riddle is supposed to be read aloud not really written because you can say "if" as "Eve."
In a river there's boat Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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