Riddle: You are a bus driver. At the first stop, the bus driver picks up 3 people and drops off none. At the second stop, the bus driver drops of 2 people and picks up 1 person. At the third stop, the bus driver picks up 5 people and drops of no people. And at the bus drivers last stop, the bus driver picks up 7 people and drops off 4 people. How old is the bus driver?
Answer: YOU ARE THE BUS DRIVER, however old you are, that is how old the bus diver is!!!
The busy Bus driver Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lucy's Mom had 4 daughters. They got along well, except they fought every day! And they also had nick names for each other. Their names were... Susan, Ashley, Rebecca and _____?
Answer: Read the beginning again. LUCYS MOM had 4 daughters. Lucy is the 4th daughter!!!
Riddle: You live in a one story house. The kitchen is blue. the bathroom is orange. The attic and basement are the same color. And your bedroom is green. What color is the stairs?
Answer: You live in a ONE STORY house, there is NO STAIRS!!!!
Your colorful house Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: My house is made of red wood, and it is not painted. I put over 50 pieces of furniture in it. I love the look of my new house, but it was so hard to move there. What color is my house?
Answer: The color of RED WOOD!!!
My cool home Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are Ms. Cat Lady. You are an exotic pet owner. As your name states, you LOVE, LIVE, AND BREATH CATS. You are also in the guinness book of word reccords of 2019, for having the most amount of living cats! You have 5,897 cats in and outside of your house! One Friday, you wake up and check EVERYTHING that sends heat. Nothing is on. You don't brew your coffee, cook, or curl your hair today or yesterday. You take a walk, and when you come back, your house is on fire. How is your hose on fire?
Answer: You are an exotic pet owner. You have a dragon as one of your exotic pets. The dragon set your house on fire!!!
Ms. Cat Lady Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man skips happily into a bar. He orders a Coke. The waiter does not serve him, but he says... "Sorry, we do not serve mushrooms here." Why won't the waiter serve him?
Answer: Because the man was a Fun Guy(fungi)!!!!!
A fun man Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.