Riddle: There is a field with 5 haystacks. Next to it is a field with 4 haystacks. A farmer decides to move all the haystacks together. How many haystacks are in the field?
Riddle: It is easier to understand the following riddle if it is read out loud. One knight, a king and a queen return home after a visit to their neighbors. The two inhabitants slept peacefully. How is this possible?
Answer: One night, a king and a queen returned home after a visit to their neighbors.
Riddle: One day, a King asked his advisers, "What should I do if someone touches my mustache ( mustaches are a sign of power)?" The first adviser said, "He should get his hair cut off and be hung." The second one said, "He should be stoned to death." The third, being the most clever of them all, said, "He should be given sweets." This shocked the advisers and the King. Why would the third adviser suggest such and idea?
Answer: Since mustaches are a sign of power, the only ones daring enough to touch someone's mustache, especially the King's, would be a child.
Riddle: I am always intended to be accomplished at a set time, but end up being done much later. It's not that I don't want to be done, it's that there are things more important than me at the moment. What am I?