Riddle: An old man ankit lives alone in a flat. Because of his age , he is not able to move comfortably and hence most of the things used to be delivered to his house. On Friday while delivering the mail , postman feels something suspicious in the flat and try to look inside through the key hole and he saw a blood filled body of the old man. CID arrived the scene. On the outside of flat , he found two bottles of warm milk , Tuesday newspaper, some unopened mails , some gifts. CID waste no time to find the murderer. Who was the murderer ?
Answer: Newspaper delivery man was the murderer because of absence of Wednesday and Thursday missing newspaper. This indicates he already know that there is no one to read it.
Old Man Ankit Murdered Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are two sisters in a room. There are two doors in that same room. One door leads to freedom and one door leads to death. One sister always lies and one always tells the truth. You have 1 question. What do you ask them to get to the freedom door?
Answer: Which door would your sister choose?
Two Doors Two Sisters Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The power went out and a madman grabs you. He leads you to a room with a chair that can drown you, a chair that can electrocute you, a chair that would shoot you when you sit on the chair, and a chair that would make you die of hunger . The madman asks you which chair you want. Which chair would you sit in that wouldn't make you die?
Answer: The electric chair, because the power went out.
Power Went Out Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: On the first day of school the janitor was found dead. They chose 4 suspects, the gardener, the P.E teacher, the math teacher, and even the school principal. But, they all had reasons they didn't murder him. The gardener said he was cutting weeds, the P.E teacher said he was playing basketball, the math teacher said he was giving a mid-year test, and the principal was in his office. Right as the police heard this, they arrested one of the suspects. Why was that so?
Answer: The math teacher said he was giving a mid-year test while it was just the beginning of the year.
Janitor Found Dead Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 2 dads and 2 sons on a fishing trip. They each catch 1 fish. They got 3 fish. How is that possible?
Answer: There is a grandpa, who is the dad of the dad, and the dad is the dad of the son. The dad is the sun of grandpa and the son is the son of the dad.
Fishing Trip 2 Sons And 2 Dads Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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