Riddle: The Redwoods National Park is closed down to anyone who isn't camping. A small group of seventeen people have set up a campsite at the park. Four campers are reciting scary stories near the campfire and two of them are roasting marshmallows. Two men are hunting, and three women are fishing. Six campers are pitching their tents. In addition to all these campers, one man is grilling barbecue on a stovetop. If all the numbers are added up, you'll notice there are more than seventeen people at the park. How is this possible?
Answer: The man grilling barbecue on the stovetop isn't part of the small group of seventeen people.
The Lonely Man Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: 3 people enter a bar on Saturday night. Only 2 people come out the next day on Sunday. If no one died or left before Sunday, how is this possible.
Answer: 1 person is still in the bar.
The Magic Mirror Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.