Riddle: In a dome house, two parents went out to dinner and came back to find their baby's head in the toilet and the body strapped to then wall. They had two children, a girl and a boy (not including the baby) they asked the boy what he was doing while they were gone and he said he was playing with his trucks in the middle of then room. They asked the girl and she said she was playing with her dolls in the corner. Who murdered the baby?
Answer: The girl, there is no corner in a dome house!
Dome House Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: In a one story big pink house, everything is pink. The door is pink, the pets are pink, the water is pink. Everything is pink. What color is the staircase?
Answer: There is no staircase, it's a one story house.
Big PInk House Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man is laying on the ground in the middle of a field. He is not bleeding, he is dead just laying there. The only thing he has on is a backpack. What is in his backpack?
Answer: A parachute that should have come out when he fell.
In a middle of a field Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A boy's parents went out to eat. They said to the boy "We will be home around 12:00 (AM)". The boy got into bed at 8:00 and tried to go to sleep. He woke up for some reason at 10:00 and he saw a clown standing right out of his window. Home got really scared so he just got back into bed. He woke up at 12:00 and the clown was standing there with a knife in his hand. The parents got home at 12:15 and they went into his room and his head was chopped off with a knife in his head. They parents were so mad!! So they asked the elevator operator (they lived in an apartment) if they had seen anyone go in or out of the elevator. And he said. " I did see someone go out but not in of the elevator he was wearing a clown costume too. They asked the doorman if he had seen anyone go in or out of the door and he said "I did see someone go out, but not in. He was wearing a clown costume too. The boy's window was 20 stories up. How is it possible that the clown got in his room to kill the boy?
Answer: It was just a reflection of the clown in the window. The clown was really behind the boy.
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