Riddle: I have a face that can be read and recognized by many. My purpose is for your entertainment, and friendship. I can tell anyone everything you tell me. Or I can tell all your friends. Without John O'Sullivan helping me, I'd be nothing. What am I?
Answer: I am Facebook. Get it? John O'Sullivan and a few others created WiFi, and Facebook uses WiFi!
Riddle: I wiggle and cannot see, sometimes underground and sometimes on a tree. I really don't want to be on a hook, and I become a person when combined with book. What am I?
Answer: I'm a worm. Pretty sad if you didn't get that.
Riddle: In wealth I abound; in water I stand; as a fencer I'm valued all over the land; at Venice I'm famous; by farmers I'm prized; respected by law, yet huntsmen despised; consternation and ruin ensue when I break; And the beasts of the forest advantage won't take. What am I?