Riddle: You are walking to the city of Truth but don't know where to go. You reach an intersection and you know that one of them leads to the city of Truth and the other to the city of Lies but you don't know which is which. You see a man, he could be from either cities, you don't know but he offers to help you, what do you ask or demand of him?
Answer: 'Take me to your home!' You say.
The Two Cities. Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are locked in a room with NO windows, NO door, has a roof and a floor, no way of escaping and all that's in this room with you is a table and a mirror, how do you escape? (Hint: it's a play on words)
Answer: There are two possible ways. 1. You break the mirror and with the shards you cut yourself and give yourself a sore/saw and with that sore/saw, you cut the table in half then you put the table back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole you climb out! 2. You saw the table with the mirror (cut in half, you sawed it in half) and with the two table halves you put it back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole, you climb out!
The Unescapable Room! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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