Riddle: A man in a black suit was driving a black car with no headlights and there were no streetlights. A black lamb was crossing the road but he didn't run the lamb over. How?
Riddle: A poor man and a rich man were at a bar. The poor man said to the rich man, "I can sing a song with any name in it." The rich man laughed and said, "Well then sing a song with my daughter's name, Brodi-lee Polkinghorne and I will give you all my money." The poor man sang a song and went home rich and the rich man went home poor. What song did the poor man sing?
Riddle: A boy was standing on a bridge. He saw a boat go under the bridge with thousands and thousands of people on it. When the boat came out from under the bridge, there wasn't a single person on it. Why?