Riddle: I am a homograph for something used to measure, the weakest in chess but strongest in checkers. Upon my head is a hat of great value. What am I?
Answer: A king.
The Highest Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man is found dead while holding a gun. Next to him was a cassette tape, which had recorded something. When played, this message was played: "I don't want to live anymore" and then there was a gunshot, and the tape ended. The police knew it was a murder. How?
Answer: Because to play the cassette tape, it has to be re-winded, and since there was a gunshot, the man was dead at the end of the recording, and couldn't rewind the tape!
The Cassette Tape Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A boy is killed in a round house. Three suspects line up: The butcher, who said he was cooking something in the kitchen, The maid, who was washing the dishes, and the butler, who was sweeping in the corner. Who was it?
Answer: The Butler, he said he was sweeping in the corners, but it's a round house!
The House Murder Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A woman is sitting in her hotel room when there is a knock at the door. She opened the door to see a man whom she had never seen before. He said, "Oh I'm sorry, I have made a mistake, I thought this was my room." He then went down the corridor and in the elevator. The woman went back into her room and phoned security. What made the woman so suspicious of the man?
Answer: You don't knock on your own hotel door, do you?
The mysterious man Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A king has no sons, no daughters, and no queen. For this reason, he must decide who will take the throne after he dies. To do this he decides that he will give all of the children of the kingdom a single seed. Whichever child has the largest, most beautiful plant will earn the throne; this being a metaphor for the kingdom. At the end of the contest, all of the children came to the palace with their enormous and beautiful plants in hand. After he looks at all of the children's pots, he finally decides that the little girl with an empty pot will be the next Queen. Why did he choose this little girl over all of the other children with their beautiful plants?
Answer: The king gave them all fake seeds and the little girl was the only honest child who didn't switch seeds.
The King's Heir Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man walks into a bar and asks for a cup of water. The bartender pulls out a gun from the counter and aims it at the man's head. The man calmly says: "Thank you for doing what I wanted." and with that, the man walks out. Why?
Answer: The man had hiccups. He asked for water to take away the hiccups but didn't need any since the gun surprised him, therefore his hiccups went away from surprise rather than water.
The gun or the water? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, a king, a queen, and a princess are taking a walk, but suddenly, the king, the queen, and the princess fall off a cliff. Who is left?
Answer: The Knight (NIGHT/KNIGHT) This riddle works better when said instead of red.
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