Riddle: It was a rainy day. There where five men and they where all walking together. When it was raining only four of the men would get wet and one didn't. How?? Also there where No cover at all.
Answer: Well, the four men was carrying a dead man in a coffin. So when it was raining only one man didn't get wet cause he was in a coffin ready to get buried.
It was a rainy day. There where five men and they where all walking together Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man went fishing and he caught a fish 1 metre and 2 centremetres long, he then went to the phonebooth and called his wife, then he said "I went fishing and caught a fish this long." When he said "this long" he dropped the phone and died. How?
Answer: Well, when he said "this long" he spead his arms 1 metre wide/long, but, the phonebooth wasn't 1 metre wide so when he spread his arms it went through the glass and his arms where bleeding bad then he died.
Dumb way to die Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.