Riddle: A mother gave birth to six kids. The first daughter's name is July. The second daughter's name is August. The third daughter's name is September. The fourth daughter's name is October. The next child was a boy, therefore, she named him November. The mother was planning on having a girl named December, but it turned out that she got a boy. If she didn't name him December, what is his name?
Answer: Jason. She took the first letter of the names of her children. July, August, September, October, November.
The Mother With Six Kids Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 10 fish in a tank. 6 died - 2 drowned - 1 swam away - How many fishes are left in the tank?
Answer: 10 fish! Even though 6 are dead they're still in the tank. 2 fish drowned... since when can a fish drown? 1 swam away, this fish can swim farther than the limits of the aquarium.
The Fish Tank Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Your mother tells you : Honey, you can only have one slice of cake while I'm at work! When she comes back home the cake is gone. Your mother gets angry and tells you : Aren't you supposed to have only one slice of cake? How can you prove that you ate only one slice of cake without blaming anything on your sister or brother?
Answer: You can tell your mother : Technically, if you don't slice the cake and eat the whole thing with a fork, it counts like I only had one piece!
Cut The Cake Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A police man asked you : Where do you live? You tried to avoid telling him the answer, so you told him : With my parents. The policeman said : Where do your parents live? You replied : With me. He asked : Where do you all live? You replied : In my house. The temper of the policeman is getting short. He asks : Where is your house? It's your turn to reply! What should you tell the policeman?
Answer: My house is next to my neighbors house.
Where do you live? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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