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Riddle of the Day
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
I have keys that open no locks, I have space, but there is no room, You can enter, but you can't go in.
What am I?
Riddle of the Day
Monday, June 19, 2017
A man goes out drinking every night, returning to his home in the wee hours of every morning. No matter how much he drinks, he never gets a hangover. This drink is very well known, but is rarely consumed, served warm and taken straight from its source. The man is a sucker for a free drink, especially since he can't live without it. What is his favorite drink?
Riddle of the Day
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
What did the dollar say to the four quarters?
Problem of the Week
There is a certain family with both girl and boy children. Each of the boys has the same number of brothers as he has sisters. Each of the girls has twice as many brothers as she has sisters. How many boys and girls are there in this family?
Weekly Enigma
A cop was walking past a restaurant when he heard someone scream - "No John, not the gun!" He ran inside and and saw a doctor, a lawyer, a milkman, and a dead body on the floor. He promptly walked over to the milkman and arrested him. He didn't witness the shooting and there was no apparent evidence to prove who shot the person and no one told him who the killer was.
How did the policeman instantly know it was the milkman?
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