Riddle of the Day
Thursday, February 09, 2017
What has 88 teeth but never brushes them?
Riddle of the Day
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
If you have one pound of rocks and one pound of feathers, which one will weigh more?
Riddle of the Day
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
It runs and runs but can never flee. It is often watched, yet never sees. When long it brings boredom, When short it brings fear.
What is it?
Riddle of the Day
Monday, February 06, 2017
I look flat, but I am deep, Hidden realms I shelter. Lives I take, but food I offer. At times I am beautiful. I can be calm, angry and turbulent. I have no heart, but offer pleasure as well as death. No man can own me, yet I encompass what all men must have. What am I?
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Riddle of the Day
Sunday, February 05, 2017
I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I am the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I am a gift beyond measure, a matter of course. I am given with pleasure when taken by force.
What am I?
Problem of the Week
A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - one at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the stream?
Weekly Enigma
You're in a magical bathroom with no windows and the only way things can get in and out is by an open door. You decide to have a bath so you turn on the tap, you shut the door and the handle breaks so you can't open it, you then turn off the tap and the knob breaks so water keeps coming. How do you save yourself from drowning?
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