Riddle of the Day
Thursday, February 18, 2021
You can touch me,
You can break me,
You should win me if you want to be mine.
What am I?
Riddle of the Day
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?
Riddle of the Day
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
A horse was tied to a rope 5 meters long and the horses food was 15 meters away from the horse. How did the horse reach the food?
Riddle of the Day
Monday, February 15, 2021
What is it that given one, you'll have either two or none?
Riddle of the Day
Sunday, February 14, 2021
I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a mans house and build anothers, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Riddle of the Day
Saturday, February 13, 2021
This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What am I?
Weekly Enigma
A time when they are green, a time when they're brown, but both of these times, cause me to frown. But just in between, for a very short while, They're perfect and yellow and cause me to smile!
What am I talking about here?
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