Riddle of the Day
Thursday, July 05, 2018
Which does not belong in this group: Apple, Grape, Banana, Cherry, Pear?
Riddle of the Day
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
What did the parrot say on the 4th of July?
Riddle of the Day
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
How is it that a person born in Massachusetts, whose parents were both born in Massachusetts, is not born a U.S. Citizen?
Riddle of the Day
Sunday, July 01, 2018
My thunder comes before the lightning; My lightning comes before the clouds; My rain dries all the land it touches. What am I?
Riddle of the Day
Saturday, June 30, 2018
What is red and blue, and purple and green? No one can reach it, not even the queen?
Riddle of the Day
Friday, June 29, 2018
What did the comedian say when he took off his clothes?
Problem of the Week
Lazy Larry agreed to work on a job for his brother-in-law for thirty hours at eight dollars an hour, on the condition that he would forfeit ten dollars per hour for every hour that he idled. At the end of the thirty hours Larry wasn't owed any money and didn't owe his brother-in-law any money either. How many hours did Larry work and how many hours did he idle?
Weekly Enigma
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside.
What did you eat?
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