Riddle: Why should a doctor never be seasick?
Answer: Because he is accustomed to see (sea) sickness.
Riddle: What do outlaws eat with their milk?
Answer: Crookies.
Riddle: What type of bean is a cannibals favorite to eat ?
Answer: A Human Being.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: How many different types of gnus are there?
Answer: Two.  Good gnus and bad gnus.
Riddle: Which is lighter, the sun or the earth?
Answer: The sun, it rises every morning.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: Why would it be boring to eat at a restaurant on the moon?
Answer: Because there is no atmosphere.
Riddle: Why did the developer go broke?
Answer: Because he used up all his cache.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
Answer: Because, if it had four it would be a sedan.
Riddle: What dies but is never killed?
Answer: A bad joke.
Riddle: What did the parrot say on the 4th of July?
Answer: "Poly wants a firecracker!"
Riddle: What do you call it when you walk into a spider web?
Answer: Free Karate lessons.
Riddle: How did the sheriff find the missing barber?
Answer: He combed the town.
Riddle: Did you hear about the dyslexic satanist?
Answer: He sold his soul to santa.
Riddle: Why doesn't Suzy's Husband gamble anymore?
Answer: Casinos better!
Riddle: Why was Miss Cow sad?
Answer: Her boyfriend was in a bullfight!
Riddle: How do you hold a bat?
Answer: Upside down by it's feet.
Riddle: Who's fault will it be if California falls into the ocean?
Answer: San Andreas fault.
Riddle: Why were the clothespins arrested?
Answer: For holding up a pair of pants.
Riddle: Why kind of entertainment does Yosemite National Park have?
Answer: Bear-itones.
Riddle: When is a pistol like a young horse?
Answer: When it is a colt.