What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?
Answer: Lounger.
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
Answer: A palm tree.
What are the Alligator's favorite shoes?
Answer: Crocs.
I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight.
What am I?
Answer: I am a Bat.
What can be measured, but has no length, width, or height?
Answer: The Temperature.
Inside napper, bird chaser, quick stoker, small animal killer, fish eater. What is it?
Answer: A cat.
What tops off a ghost's ice-scream sundae?
Answer: Whipped Scream.
As you know, Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. So, If he said, "My nose is about to grow." Would he be lying or not?
Answer: Neither work. True: He's telling the truth so his nose wouldn't grow, Causing a lie. Lie: If he's lying, His nose WILL grow so it would be truth.
What is one benefit of traffic?
Answer: You don't need to worry about getting a speeding ticket.
What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
Answer: A chalkboard.
Which does not belong in this group: Apple, Grape, Banana, Cherry, Pear?
Answer: The Banana. It's the only one that needs peeling before eating.
What has 22 legs and 2 wings?
Answer: A football team!
Which word that begins with the letter I, and by adding the letter A, becomes another word that is pronounced the same?
Answer: Isle and Aisle.
Say "silk" five times. Now, spell "silk." What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," Your brain is obviously over-stressed and may even overheat. It may be that you need to content yourself with reading something more appropriate such as "Children's World." Just Kidding.
What can fill a room and a bowl but not change shape?
Answer: Air.
What can run but can't walk?
Answer: A refrigerator
Used to threaten, used to defeat. Sometimes it grows, sometimes it shrinks. Used to conquer, used to protect. It marks your downfall, it marks your success. The true god of war, the creator of mess. What is it?
Answer: Power.
All 5 sisters are busy. Ann is reading, Rose is cooking, Katie is playing chess and Mary is doing laundry. What is the fifth sister doing?
Answer: She is playing chess with Katie.
What's light during the day but heavy during the night?
Answer: Eyelids.
What did Obi-Wan say to Luke when he was having trouble eating at a chinese restaurant?
Answer: Use the fork, Luke.