Riddle: I am a five-digit whole number, read the same forward, backward and upside down. My second digit is half my third digit; my fifth digit is the product of my first and last digits; and the sum of my whole is ten. What am I?
Riddle: I am a word of five; spelled and read the same backward and forward; the mother of all takes her position at the center of me. My first and last letters are found in letters and flatters. What am I?
Riddle: I Look peaceful and lovely without, Yet dangerous and harmful within; The flies come around me, for I am colorful and beautiful; But none dares to touch me; For if any does touch me, I make an end of life for such; for I'll will feed on it. What am I?
Riddle: I can carry you around; you can carry me as well; not a living thing, yet, I run faster than as you do but not without your help. I have as many legs and hands as every man has; round are my legs: one before and the other behind. The cycle is never out of my name. What am I?