Riddle: There are five doors in front of you in the following order: black, blue, black, black, blue. Only one door will lead you to freedom, and you only have one chance to pick it. Assuming that all three hints are true, can you pick the correct door? 1) The correct door is black. 2) The correct door is not next to the leftmost or the rightmost door. 3) The correct door is not in the middle.
Answer: The leftmost door is the correct door. There are only three black doors, so it's one of them (we can eliminate doors two and five because they are blue and not black). The fourth door should be eliminated next because it's next to the rightmost door, which contradicts the second hint (we can't eliminate the first door because it's not correct to say that the leftmost door is next to itself). And the middle door is a trap, too. Therefore, the first door is the best choice.
Five Doors, Four Traps, Three Hints, Two Colors, One Chance to Escape Riddle Meme.
Five Doors, Four Traps, Three Hints, Two Colors, One Chance to Escape Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Someone's grandfather was born in 50 BCE. How old was this man in 25 CE?
Answer: This man was 74 years old. There was no year 0; after 1 BCE, there was 1 CE.
Living Before the Current Era Riddle Meme.
Living Before the Current Era Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chloe is a weather lady. At 11:58PM, she's trying to figure out the probability of sunny weather in 72 hours. What would the probability be?
Answer: Zero probability. In 72 hours, it will be close to midnight, and it can't possibly be sunny at midnight.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A mad chef forces you to cook breakfast for him; if he likes it, he'll set you free, but if not, you'll stay with him forever. While you're at the stove cooking something up, the chef dumps an entire container of salt into the pot you're cooking with. But when you serve breakfast, the chef realizes he'll have to let you go. What did you cook for him?
Answer: You cooked some boiled eggs. No matter how much salt is added to the pot, the boiled eggs won't be salty.
Cooking Up a Storm of Riddles Riddle Meme.
Cooking Up a Storm of Riddles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: "I was walking to my local grocery store to pick up some stuff when I saw that my neighbor Rachel's house had been burgled! It was very cold outside, and I saw some frost on the window. I breathed on the glass to get rid of the frost, and I saw that Rachel's safe had been open and that her money was stolen!". That was Hank's story. An officer who was investigating asked Hank, "And where did you hide the money you stole from your neighbor?". How did the officer come to this conclusion?
Answer: Windows become frozen over from the inside, not the outside, so Hank couldn't have wiped off the frost from the window to find the money stolen.
Frosted Windows Riddle Meme.
Frosted Windows Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When summer break ended, Mila told her friends about her vacation in Africa. Mila said, "Oh, it was great! But on the last day of my trip, a massive volcanic eruption happened; it didn't spoil my vacation only because I flew home that day,". Mila's friends didn't believe her. Why?
Answer: All flights must get canceled when a volcanic eruption occurs, so Mila couldn't have flown home on the last day of her vacation; she's lying.
Mila's Vacation Mishap Riddle Meme.
Mila's Vacation Mishap Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Peter likes tomatoes, but not potatoes; he likes cucumbers, but can't stand carrots; Peter also enjoys grapes, but not lettuce. And he likes squash, but not onions. Would Peter like pumpkins or apples more?
Answer: Peter would like pumpkins more, because he only likes fruits and vegetables that grow on vines. Pumpkins grow on vines, while apples do not.
Picky Peter Riddle Meme.
Picky Peter Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How can you drop an egg from the top of a 50-foot tall building without cracking it?
Answer: Drop the egg from a height greater than 50 feet; this way, the egg won't crack for the first 50 feet.
Cracks me Up! Riddle Meme.
Cracks me Up! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Karma is the most popular girl at her school. At the school's ball, four guys claim to be Karma's boyfriend. Keeping in mind that only the boyfriend tells the truth, can you guess who the boyfriend is if these are the four statements from the guys? 1) Guy #4 is the boyfriend. 2) I am the boyfriend. 3) Guy #1 is the boyfriend. 4) I am the boyfriend.
Answer: Guy #2 is the boyfriend. Only the boyfriend tells the truth, so he will say, "I am the boyfriend,"; therefore, either the second guy or the fourth guy is Karma's boyfriend. If the fourth guy was the boyfriend, then both he and the first guy would be telling the truth, which is against the conditions. Therefore, Guy #2 is Karma's boyfriend.
'Cause Karma is my Girlfriend Riddle Meme.
'Cause Karma is my Girlfriend Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What weighs more: 100 pounds of feathers or 1500 ounces of bricks?
Answer: 100 pounds of feathers weigh more than 1500 ounces of bricks because 100 pounds is equal to 1600 ounces, which is greater than 1500 ounces.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.