Riddle: There was a poor man sitting in a restaurant and a rich man came in. The poor man said that he could sing any song in the world if he was given a name. The rich man bet all the money in his wallet that he couldn't sing a song with Susan in it. The poor man went away rich and the rich man went away poor. What song did the poor man sing?
Riddle: I am a 5-letter word. Take away the first letter and I am a place's name. Take away the first two letters and I become the opposite of the 5 letter word. What am I?
Riddle: I wear a huge dark cloak, not unlike the one of a wizard, I am the opposite of warm, I don't walk-I float, I prefer to be sad, not happy. I appear in clouds, not in the sky, I can only be extinguished by a happy spell, I will take your soul, if you cross my path. I am a foul creature, amongst the foulest, you might call me a light extinguisher. What am I?