Riddle: Out of a man's mouth it comes forth, lightening hearts and inspiring souls to be steadfast. Tales of old it tells, of warriors and kings, of castles and dungeons. It tells of sunshine and hills, flowers and grass. Of food and drink it encourages you to press on, of fantasies it gives you rest and delight. It carries on through ages and never an ending does it find. What is it?
Riddle: Everywhere it lurks, unsettling men and unnerving children. In a house it visits, in a cave it dwells. One light can put it to flight and make it retreat. Yet you can never escape it, for it is always there. What is it?
Riddle: They are scenes of madness, grief, gaiety, seeming purpose, confusion and queerness often appearing in the dark hours of night. They stretch through time, seeming only but a few moments, yet when reality is not as kind. When appearing they are logical, but when reminiscing they are strange and odd. What is it?
Riddle: You send curiosity, but doesn't show. Your heart breaks, but no one knows. He sees you, but walks away. You grab the gun and pull the trigger. What am I?
Riddle: A man has 3 wives, and each one has 3 houses, in one of the houses for every wife his mother-in-law lives. He goes to the first house with money, the mother doubles it, he leaves half, he goes to his second wife, the mother doubles it again, he leaves the same amount as to first wife, he goes to the third house and the mother doubles it again, he leaves the same amount as to first one, but goes home with no money. 2 wives are sister and they have the same mother. How much money did he have?
Answer The riddle "Three Houses and Three Wives" is unanswered.