Riddle: If every second equals a minute every minute equals a hour every hour equals a day every day equals a month and every month equals a year. What can equal one year?
Answer: one second because one second equals everything to equal one year.
Riddle: A Lady was found dead in a park. There was a note on the lady, it read: 1491011. The suspects were Jason, Miranda, Sal, and Timmy. The police knew who it was right away. Who was it?
Answer: Jason. 1= January 4= April 9= September 10= October 11= November. The First Letter Of Each Month Ends Up Spelling Jason.
Riddle: A highschool has a strange principal. on the first day of school he does something weird. There are 1000 lockers and 1000 students. He tells the first student to open every first locker. The second student to open every second locker, and if it is open, to close it. He tells the third student to open every third locker, and if it is open, to close it. He does this until all the students have done it. How many lockers are open at the end?