Riddle: I am heard before I am seen. Startled and I am alive. I rumble like thunder, yet I pour like rain. I am felt before I arrive; stand with me and you won't survive. What am I?
Riddle: When in hot water I get harder. I am only useful once broken. Some people eat only the white part for its low fat, high protein nutritional content. What am I?
Riddle: I'm first found in caves, now prolific online; I'm a depiction, a drawing, a symbol, or sign. I'll convey whichever mood you could wish; or for that matter, a fist, flask, or fish. What am I?
Riddle: I may be simple, I may be complex; I may have a name, but no gender or sex; I am often a question, or statement as a setup; I tend to have an answer, 'til you find it I won't let up. What am I?