Riddle: As you know, Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. So, If he said, "My nose is about to grow." Would he be lying or not?
Answer: Neither work. True: He's telling the truth so his nose wouldn't grow, Causing a lie. Lie: If he's lying, His nose WILL grow so it would be truth.
Riddle: I have a head body and arm but no blood. I have eyes but can't see a nose but can't smell. I have a stage but haven't seen anyone perform. I have arms but can not carry anything you see things with me but you can't see what I am made of. What am I?
Riddle: It has keys but it only opens windows, it has a screen door but you don't look through it, you look at it, and it gives you most of the answers to your questions. What is it?