Peyton Kalvoda

Riddle Count: 2
Riddle: There are 18 students in the class. 14 of them are sick. There are no people in class today. How is this possible?
Answer: The other 4 are on a field trip which is not in class.
Riddle: One day on a school bus, 15 children 3 adults and the bus driver were going to Denver, Colorado for a field trip. About 1/2 mile away the bus tipped and fell over. The 3 adults called a cab and took 3 children in each cab with them. Three more kids stuck their hand out and hitchhiked to Colorado. The bus driver hitchhiked with the rest of the kids. When all the rides traveled 1/2 mile, 6 children and the bus driver weren't there. Why?
Answer: Because the people who hitchhiked were taken 1/2 mile the wrong way.
The School Bus Riddle Meme.
The School Bus Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.