Riddle: Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered ice tea. One girl drank really fast and finished 5 in the time that took the other to drink just one. The girl who drank one died while the other survived. Both drinks were poisonous. How did the girl that drank the most survive?
Answer: The poison was in the ice, as she slowly drank her one drink, the melting ice released the poison.
Riddle: There are 8 pills. They are all the same size and color. One pill weighs slightly more and is poisonous. You have a balanced scale and you can only use it twice. How can you find the poisonous Pill?
Answer: Take any six pills and divide them into two groups of three each. Weigh putting the 3 pills on each side. If one side weigh's heavier than another, the heavier side consists of the poisonous pill. From the three pill in heavier side, weigh two pills. If one pill is heavier than another, the heavy one is poisonous pill. If both pill weigh same, the remaining third pill is poisonous. If all the 6 pill weigh the same, weigh the remaining two pill and heavy one is poisonous.
Poisoned Pill Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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