Rachelle Vandiver

Riddle Count: 319
Riddle: Fred is listening to the raido when it suddenly stops playing. Nobody is with Fred and nobody touches the radio. A few seconds later, the radio resumes playing. How can this be?
Answer: Fred was driving his car through a tunnel.
Fred's System Riddle Meme.
Fred's System Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A Queen has twins by Caesarean section so it's impossible to tell who was born first. Now the twins are adults and ready to rule. One is intensely stupid, while the other is highly intelligent, well-loved, and charismatic. Yet the unintelligent one is chosen as the next ruler. Why?
Answer: He is a male.
A Queen has twins by Caesarean section Riddle Meme.
A Queen has twins by Caesarean section Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A student zips on his scooter to ride to the train station to get to college. His home is close to two stops; the first one is a mile from home, and the second is two miles from home in the opposite direction. In the morning, he always gets on at the first stop and in the afternoon, he always gets off at the second one. Why?
Answer: The sations and his home are on a hill, which allows him to ride down easily on his scooter.
Getting Around Riddle Meme.
Getting Around Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A great banquet was prepared for a Roman emperor and his courtiers. 22 Dormice, 40 Larks' Tongues, 30 Flamingos and 40 Roast Parrots were served. How many portions of Boiled Ostrich were served?
Answer: 42. Each vowel is worth 2 and each consonant 4, so Dormice gives 22, ect.
The Banquet Riddle Meme.
The Banquet Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If someone robbed you in the shower, what would you be?
Answer: An eye wetness.
Water Gun Riddle Meme.
Water Gun Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If it is 1,800 kilometers to America, 1,200 kilometers to Japan, 2,400 kilometers to New Zealand, and 1,400 kilometers to Brazil- How far is Morocco?
Answer: The answer is 1,700 kilometers, as vowels in the countries' names are worth 300 kilometers and the consonats are worth 200 kilometers. 
Lets Travel  Riddle Meme.
Lets Travel Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man goes to work at the same time each day and travels part of his journey facing forwards and the remainder facing backwards. When he returns at the end of his working day, he only faces forwards. How can this be?
Answer: He works in the engine room of a liner! To get to work, he walks along the decks from his cabin facing forwards, and down the ladders between decks facing backwards.  However, when he finishes, he only needs to face forwards to climb the ladders again and walk along the deck back to his cabin.
Which Way Riddle Meme.
Which Way Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What do goblins sing in the shower?
Answer: Rhythm and boos.
What do goblins sing in the shower Riddle Meme.
What do goblins sing in the shower Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Why was the student's homework in his father's handwriting?
Answer: Because the student borrowed his pen.
Funny Homework Question  Riddle Meme.
Funny Homework Question Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.