Riddle: There was a Japanese ship sailing towards the north. The captain was heading to his quarters to take a nap but, before he slep he placed his priced gold chain in the tale. When he woke up the Chain was gone. He called three (3) suspects; The Boatswain who said "I did not steal it I was checking the supplies when it happened.", the sailing master who said "I did not steal it I was fixing the flag it was upside down." and one of his mates who said "I did not steal it I was mopping the decks. "After that the captain immediately knew who was the thief. So the question is who is the thief?
Answer: The sailing master it stated that they were sailing in a Japanese ship meaning the flag would look the same even if it was upside down.
Who Stole The Gold Chain? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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