Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 173
Riddle: Harry is in a history competition with two other students–Renèe and Tyler. The rules are as follows: A student will choose another student to target. A history question will be read out, and the student will give his or her answer. If the answer is correct, the target is eliminated. And if the answer is incorrect, the target stays in the game. This will happen until only one student remains. Harry isn't very good in history; his odds of answering correctly are 1/3. Renèe's odds are a little better–2/3. And Tyler is a history ace, with his odds of giving the correct answer being 3/3. Every student knows everyone else's odds. To be fair, Harry will begin; then, the turn will pass to Renèe, then to Tyler, and then to Harry, and so on until one player remains. How can Harry have higher chances to win?
Answer: On Harry's first turn, he should give the incorrect answer on purpose. If he targets Renèe and manages to eliminate her, then it's just Harry and Tyler; however, Tyler will definitely eliminate Harry because HIS odds are much higher. And if Harry targets Tyler and manages to eliminate him, then it's just Harry and Renèe; however, Renèe might eliminate Harry because she has higher odds. If Harry purposefully answers incorrectly, the turn will simply move to Renèe, who will answer next. On Renèe's first turn, she will likely target Tyler because he has higher odds than her. If she manages to eliminate him, then it's just Harry and Renèe. Harry will be going first with his shot at winning the competition. If Renèe doesn't eliminate Tyler, then it will be HIS turn; Tyler will target Renèe and eliminate her for sure due to his odds being higher than hers. Although Harry will have to go against Tyler in the end, it's still a fair situation because Harry will still be going first with a chance to win.
Harry's History Tournament Riddle Meme.
Harry's History Tournament Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Tom walks into a room and see three monkeys. One monkey holds a banana, another monkey holds a stick, and the last monkey holds nothing. Who is the smartest primate in the room?
Answer: Assuming that Tom is a human, then he is the smartest primate in the room because humans are also primates.
Who's the Smartest?  Riddle Meme.
Who's the Smartest? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which number would be bigger: the product of all of the numbers on your calculator, or the SUM of those numbers?
Answer: The sum would be bigger because multiplying any number by zero always results in zero. Yes, you have to include zero; it is also a number on your calculator.
Math!  Riddle Meme.
Math! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Vanessa is a bilingual student; she speaks English and German. However, she hasn't been preparing for her exams. She decides to complete all of her exams in German. When most of her teachers see her exams, they don't understand what she's written and give her the tests back. However, one of Vanessa's teachers figured out what she was doing and gave her an F-. Which teacher was that?
Answer: It was Vanessa's math teacher who failed her. Math is mostly numbers, so the girl's math teacher could understand everything and check the exam.
Bilingual Bummer Riddle Meme.
Bilingual Bummer Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A + A + A = 18 A + B + B = 10 B + CC + CC = 14 A + B x C = ? What is the value of each letter, and what number should replace the question mark?
Answer: A = 6, B = 2, C = 3, and the number that should replace the question mark is 12.
What is the Value?  Riddle Meme.
What is the Value? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Emma was arrested for robbing a bank. The police wanted to arrest Emma's boyfriend as well because he was supposedly an accomplice. The officers found four men-Kevin, Miles, Paul, and Stanley-and interrogated them. One of them is the boyfriend who is lying. Another person was Emma's brother, who did not assist with the robbery but was also lying because he wanted to help. And the other two boys were innocent and telling the truth. Each person says the following: Kevin: Stanley is her boyfriend. Miles: Paul is lying. Paul: Kevin is lying. Stanley: Miles is not her brother. Who is Emma's brother, and who is her boyfriend?
Answer: Kevin is Emma's brother, and Miles is her boyfriend. If Kevin is telling the truth, then Stanley is lying because the boyfriend lies. This means Miles is also lying because according to these conditions, Miles IS the brother who is lying. But then, Paul is telling the truth. It contradicts that Kevin is telling the truth because both of them cannot be truthful at the same time. So, Kevin is lying, Paul is telling the truth, and Miles is lying. By default, Stanley is the other man telling the truth. The two liars are Kevin and Miles; they are Emma's boyfriend and brother. Since Stanley said that Miles is NOT her brother, and that statement is true, it means Kevin is her brother, and Miles is her boyfriend.
The Brother and the Boyfriend Riddle Meme.
The Brother and the Boyfriend Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mr. Martinez is a philosophy teacher at a prestigious university. One day, he places a pencil onto his desk and gives his students an assignment: to write a short essay on the following topic- why the pencil does not exist. The student with the most convincing argument would get an A, while everyone else would get a D. An hour later, all of the students handed in their papers; most of them filled up the front and back of their papers, but one boy wrote just two words and he got the A. What words did he write?
Answer: The boy wrote, "What pencil?".
This Pencil Doesn't Exist Riddle Meme.
This Pencil Doesn't Exist Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Serena made a cake for her husband's birthday. She wanted to save it for the evening, but at that time, Serena found that someone had eaten the cake! The woman concluded that it must have been one of her kids–either Justin, Theodore, or Mia–so she questions them. Justin says, "It was Theodore!". Theodore says, "It was Mia!". And Mia says, "Theodore is lying!". Assuming that only the culprit lies, and that the innocent kids tell the truth, who ate the cake?
Answer: Theodore ate the cake. If Justin was the thief, then he and Theodore would be lying, and Mia would be telling the truth, which contradicts the conditions. And if Mia was the thief, then she and Justin would be lying, and Theodore would be telling the truth; this also goes against the rules. Therefore, Justin and Mia are telling the truth, and Theodore is lying, which means that Theodore is the thief.
Who Ate the Cake?  Riddle Meme.
Who Ate the Cake? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Imagine that you have three eggs. Now, I give you four eggs. And your rooster lays two more eggs. How many eggs do you have now?
Answer: You have four eggs–the ones I gave you. Those three eggs from the start don't count because they're imaginary (IMAGINE that you have three eggs). And those two eggs your rooster lays don't count either because roosters don't lay eggs.
Every Egg Riddle Meme.
Every Egg Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mr. Plessy, one of the best pilots in his town, came to his insurance company to file a report. He said that someone had robbed him in the street, but he couldn't see what the robber had looked like because of his poor eyesight. The insurance manager refused to proceed with the case and called Mr. Plessy a liar. Why?
Answer: Mr. Plessy is a pilot, but it's impossible to work as one if you have poor eyesight.
Eyesight Problems Riddle Meme.
Eyesight Problems Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.