Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 172
Riddle: Ella and Mason went camping one day, but both of them got themselves in danger. Ella was bitten by a rattlesnake, and she tried to suck out the venom. Mason came face to face with a black widow spider, and he tried to attack it. Who was in more danger?
Answer: Black widow spiders rarely bite, and their bites are rarely fatal, but it's never a good idea to suck out snake venom. Therefore, Ella was in more danger.
Catastrophic Camping Riddle Meme.
Catastrophic Camping Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Anna was watching TV in her house when she heard someone knocking on her door. When the woman opened the door, she saw a suspicious-looking man who claimed to be her neighbor. The man became nervous and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was my house. I must have confused the houses,". Anna didn't believe it was just a mistake, and she called the police, saying that this man was a robber. How did Anna know?
Answer: If the man really thought that it was his house, he wouldn't have knocked on the door; he would've tried to open it with his keys. Knocking on the door is a technique used by criminals who want to break in and steal stuff.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man and a woman are talking to each other. One of them is a brunette, while the other person is blond. The brunette says, "I'm a lady,". And the blond person says, "I'm a gentleman,". Assuming that at least one person is lying, can you guess who's who?
Answer: If we suppose that only one person is lying, then the people would either be both ladies or both gentlemen, which contradicts the first statement. Therefore, both people lied; the woman has blond hair, while the man had brunette hair.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Four citizens were accused of robbing a store. Suspect A says, "I didn't rob the store,". Suspect B says, "Suspect C robbed the store,". Suspect C says, "Suspect B is lying,". And Suspect D says, "Suspect A is telling the truth,". Only one suspect is telling the truth. Who robbed the store?
Answer: Suspect A robbed the store; Suspect C is telling the truth. If Suspect B was the thief, then A, C, and D would all be telling the truth. If Suspect C was the thief, then A, B, and D would all be telling the truth. If Suspect D was the thief, then Suspects A, C, and D would all be telling the truth again. Therefore, only Suspect A can be the thief.
Incredible…to be Accused of Theft! Riddle Meme.
Incredible…to be Accused of Theft! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What weighs more: 100 pounds of feathers or 1500 ounces of bricks?
Answer: 100 pounds of feathers weigh more than 1500 ounces of bricks because 100 pounds is equal to 1600 ounces, which is greater than 1500 ounces.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: "I was walking to my local grocery store to pick up some stuff when I saw that my neighbor Rachel's house had been burgled! It was very cold outside, and I saw some frost on the window. I breathed on the glass to get rid of the frost, and I saw that Rachel's safe had been open and that her money was stolen!". That was Hank's story. An officer who was investigating asked Hank, "And where did you hide the money you stole from your neighbor?". How did the officer come to this conclusion?
Answer: Windows become frozen over from the inside, not the outside, so Hank couldn't have wiped off the frost from the window to find the money stolen.
Frosted Windows Riddle Meme.
Frosted Windows Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Andrew, Anna, and Alfred like apple juice. Olivia, Owen, and Oliver like orange juice. Can you explain their preferences?
Answer: People whose names begin with A like apple juice, while people whose names begin with O like orange juice.
Juicy Preferences Riddle Meme.
Juicy Preferences Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A green apple costs $1, a red apple costs $2, and a blue apple costs $3. If you have $3, but only two bills, what apples can you buy?
Answer: There are two solutions; you can either buy one green apple and one red apple using a $1 and a $2 (yes, $2 bills are a thing), or you can buy three green apples using the same two bills. You could have bought one blue apple using those bills, but blue apples don't exist!
Apple Antics Riddle Meme.
Apple Antics Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One afternoon, Cara came home and found that her favorite vase had been shattered. The woman questioned her three kids—Ali, Gia, and Joe. Ali said, "It was Gia!". Gia kept silent, and so did Joe. Assuming that the culprit tells the truth, who shattered Cara's vase?
Answer: It was Joe. If Ali is telling the truth, then he's the culprit. But that would make Gia the culprit, too, which would then create a paradox. Therefore, Ali is lying, and Joe is the culprit by default.
The Integrous Culprit Riddle Meme.
The Integrous Culprit Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The owner of a Lost-and-Found faced a big argument between a man and a blind woman. The two of them were arguing over car keys that they came across simultaneously. The owner decided to tell the two of them to stop arguing because he knew who the car keys belonged to. Who?
Answer: The car keys belong to the man. Remember that the woman is blind? Well, you can't drive safely if you're blind!
Key-p an Eye Out! Riddle Meme.
Key-p an Eye Out! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.