Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 172
Riddle: Farmer Egbert has a cow, two horses, and a cat. The farmer drives up to the farm accompanied by his dog Fluffball. How many feet are there on the farm?
Answer: The task was to count the number of FEET, so the correct answer is just two. Cows and horses have HOOVES; dogs and cats have PAWS; only Egbert, a human, has FEET.
Count the Number of Feet Riddle Meme.
Count the Number of Feet Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Right before a restaurant was about to open, someone stole all of the money from the cashier's desk. The chef said that he was working hard and didn't have time to walk or look around, so he didn't see anything. The security guard said that he was in the bathroom and didn't notice anything suspicious. The waiter said that he remembered seeing one visitor looking suspicious to him; somehow, he ignored the visitor and didn't stop him. The waiter got arrested for stealing the money. Why?
Answer: The phrase, "Right before a restaurant was about to open…" means that the restaurant was still closed. There couldn't have been any visitors inside. Therefore, the waiter is lying.
The Money Has Been Stolen!  Riddle Meme.
The Money Has Been Stolen! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bank was robbed in a large city. The police officers went to visit the main suspect-Mr. Michaels-who had been detained several times before. Mr Michaels said, "I've been feeling unwell all this week, and I haven't left my apartment for three days! Luckily, I didn't need food; my fridge is completely full. You can check for yourself,". Indeed, the man opened his fridge to prove his words, but the officers still arrested him. Why?
Answer: If Mr. Michaels had already been staying inside for three days, his fridge wouldn't be so full…simply because we need to EAT in order to survive. It's not likely that Mr. Michaels would be doing too well after not eating for three days.
Robber or Not?  Riddle Meme.
Robber or Not? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The only thing you can use for this riddle is your brain! Add 1,000 to 40. Now, add 1,000. Then, add 30. Add 1,000 again. Now, add 20. Add 1,000 once more. Now, add 10. What is your answer?
Answer: Is it 5,000? Sorry, but that's wrong! The right answer is 4,100. Four 1,000s do add up to 4,000…but 40 + 30 + 20 + 10 is 100, not 1,000. And 4,000 + 100 is not 5,000; it's 4,100; therefore, the correct answer is 4,100.
You Cannot Use a Calculator!  Riddle Meme.
You Cannot Use a Calculator! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When Eric and his friends returned to school after the summer break, they each told each other how their summers went. Eric boasted about the months he spent in Chile and how hot it had been. Eric's friends called him a liar. Why?
Answer: Assuming that these friends live in the United States, if it's summer in the U.S (which is in North America), it's winter in Chile because Chile is in South America. It can't possibly be hot during the winter. Therefore, Eric lied about being in Chile.
The Silly Guy who "Went to Chile" Riddle Meme.
The Silly Guy who "Went to Chile" Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bird, a monkey, and a squirrel are racing to the top of a coconut tree, all eyeing a delicious banana up there. Who will get it first?
Answer: None of them, because there is no banana; bananas don't grow on coconut trees!
Race to the Top of the Tree Riddle Meme.
Race to the Top of the Tree Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are eight people waiting at a bus stop. When an empty bus approaches the stop, half of these people get in. Then, the bus goes to the second stop, where five people are waiting. Two of the people in the bus get out at this stop, while three of the people at this bus stop get in. Finally, the bus goes to the third stop, where seven people are waiting. None of these people get in, but all of the passengers currently in the bus get out. How many people are in the bus now?
Answer: There is one person left–the driver. You know that buses can't go without a driver, right?
At the Bus Stop… Riddle Meme.
At the Bus Stop… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two friends-Nora and Ashley-were going home after doing their weekly grocery shopping. Ashley began to complain about how heavy her bags were, and Nora responded, "If you gave me one of your bags, I'd have double the number of bags you have! And if I gave you one of mine, we'd have the same number of bags!". How many bags does each friend have?
Answer: Nora has seven bags, while Ashley has just five bags.
Give Bags and Get Them Riddle Meme.
Give Bags and Get Them Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Wyatt has six sons, and each son has a sister. How many children does Wyatt have?
Answer: Wyatt has seven children. All of the sons have the same sister.
Sibling Situation Riddle Meme.
Sibling Situation Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have seven yellow pencils, seven red pencils, and seven blue pencils. I have to divide them into two groups; the first group has to have three fewer yellow pencils than the second group, the second group should have one more red pencil than the first group, and the first group should have five more blue pencils than the second group. How many blue pens would be in each pile?
Answer: Zero. I have seven blue PENCILS, not PENS.
Divide the Pencils Riddle Meme.
Divide the Pencils Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.