Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 172
Riddle: Teresa found her friend Andy unconscious on the floor of his studio in the attic. The girl called the police; when the officer arrived, she told him her story. Teresa said, "I was walking past Andy's house when I saw, through the window, that the light was on. I also found that Andy was lying in his room; he didn't look too good, so I rushed inside and immediately called the police,". The officer didn't believe Teresa. Do you?
Answer: No; Teresa's story doesn't sound quite right. Andy was found in the attic; it's on the TOP floor of a house. Teresa couldn't possibly see the guy through the window.
Teresa's Troubles Riddle Meme.
Teresa's Troubles Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bus driver goes the wrong way on a one-way street. He passes two stop signs without stopping, and he even ignores all of the traffic signs. The driver passes the cops, but they don't arrest him. Why?
Answer: Nowhere in this riddle did I say that the bus driver was actually driving a bus; after all, he was walking!
The Sneaky Driver Riddle Meme.
The Sneaky Driver Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Charlotte is a runaway criminal. She needs to get a haircut so that the police officers do not recognize her right away. There are only two hairdressers in her town, however; the first salon is run by Thomas–he has a super messy haircut and his shop is super dirty. And the second salon is run by Debbie–she has a super neat haircut and her shop is super clean. Which hairdresser should Charlotte choose for a nice haircut?
Answer: Charlotte should choose Thomas. Since there are only two hairdressers in her town, they can't cut their own hair; they gave haircuts to each other (Thomas cuts Debbie's hair, and Debbie cuts Thomas' hair). Since Thomas must have been the one to give Debbie a neat haircut, and Debbie must have been the one to give Thomas a messy haircut, Thomas is much more professional, and Charlotte should get her hair done by him.
Haircut Dilemma Riddle Meme.
Haircut Dilemma Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Beverly has three daughters–Sally, Gianna, and Emma. She is about to have another daughter. What will she name her–Victoria, Alyssa, or Amanda?
Answer: Mrs. Beverly will name her next daughter Alyssa; the names of her other three daughters each contain a double letter. Alyssa's name has a double letter ("s"), unlike the other two.
How Will She Name her Next Child?  Riddle Meme.
How Will She Name her Next Child? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ryan goes to an art gallery and sees four paintings: a raccoon, a llama, a football, and a balloon. He realizes that one of the paintings is different from the rest. Which one is it, and why?
Answer: The llama picture is different from the others because "llama" has just one double letter, while "raccoon", "football", and "balloon" all have two double letters.
Which Painting is Odd?  Riddle Meme.
Which Painting is Odd? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which word is the odd one out: BAIL, FAIL, PAIL, RAIL, SAIL, TAIL?
Answer: FAIL is the odd one out because it does not have a homophone. BAIL has BALE (like a bale of hay), PAIL has PALE, SAIL has SALE, TAIL has TALE, and RAIL has RALE. FAIL has FALE, which is not a real word, and therefore cannot be a homophone.
The Odd Word Out Riddle Meme.
The Odd Word Out Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You have two coins, and their total value is 11¢. One of the coins is not a penny. What are the two coins?
Answer: The two coins are a dime and a penny. I said "ONE of the coins is not a penny"; if one of the coins is not a penny, then the other coin IS a penny. The coin that is not a penny has to be a dime because the total value should be 11¢.
What Are the Two Coins?  Riddle Meme.
What Are the Two Coins? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How can you put some water in a colander?
Answer: Freeze some water into ice, and put the ice into the colander. Ice is still water, just in its solid state.
The Crazy Collander Riddle Meme.
The Crazy Collander Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: During the first week of July, Jenny came back from a business trip and saw that her house had been burgled. She called the police and told them the following story: "My business trip was supposed to be between the 29th and the 31st of the previous month, so I was supposed to be gone for three days. However, I returned just now and found my house in a huge mess! Someone must have robbed me!". Jenny was arrested for a false report. Why?
Answer: Jenny came back during the first week of July, so the previous month was June. She couldn't be away for business between the 29th and the 31st of June because June 31st doesn't exist; there are only 30 days in June.
Back From a Business Trip Riddle Meme.
Back From a Business Trip Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: On the Fourth of July, someone robbed the Johnsons. Police officers questioned three neighbors-Kyle, Rachel, and Sam. Kyle said that he was watching some movies with his family. Rachel said that she was having a barbecue outside to celebrate Independence Day. And Sam said that he was at the post office; all of his colleagues saw him. Who is lying?
Answer: Sam is lying. The Fourth of July is a public holiday; he couldn't be working at the post office on this day.
Theft on the Fourth of July Riddle Meme.
Theft on the Fourth of July Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.