Riddle: Katie and Vicky are sitting together on a park bench. Katie is texting her friends, while Vicky is applying her makeup. Who's more likely to be robbed?
Answer: Both girls are distracted, but Vicky most likely has a mirror so that she can not only see herself while applying her makeup, but she can also see if someone is approaching her. Therefore, Katie is more likely to be robbed.
Who's More Likely to be Robbed? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 11 candles in front of you, all of them with burning wicks. Your friend blows out six of these wicks. How many candles will remain?
Answer: The six candles that had their wicks blown out will remain. After all, one, the other five candles will eventually burn down, and two, I asked you how many candles will remain, NOT, how many flames will remain.
Candle Catastrophe Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ella and Mason went camping one day, but both of them got themselves in danger. Ella was bitten by a rattlesnake, and she tried to suck out the venom. Mason came face to face with a black widow spider, and he tried to attack it. Who was in more danger?
Answer: Black widow spiders rarely bite, and their bites are rarely fatal, but it's never a good idea to suck out snake venom. Therefore, Ella was in more danger.
Catastrophic Camping Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You place a cup of coffee in front of your friend. You then ask your friend, "What's before you?". Your friend answers, "Tea,". Why is this answer correct?
Answer: If the answer to your question was "coffee", you would have never asked such a simple question. In fact, the question and answer were a play on words; you were asking your friend what comes before the letter U (you) in the alphabet. The letter T (tea) comes before the letter U, so your friend's answer was correct after all.
That's That Me Espress…oh Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two mothers and two daughters went to the grocery store to buy watermelons. Strangely, they only walked out of the grocery store with three watermelons, but this was enough for each of them to have one watermelon. How is it possible?
Answer: Only three people went grocery shopping: a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter. The grandmother is also a mother (she is the mother's mother), and the mother is also a daughter (she is the grandmother's daughter).
Family Problem Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Lucy went onto a game show, and she was one task away from winning the grand prize: $500,000.00. She was shown four bags; one of these bags had the cash prize inside, while the other three were empty. Lucy had only one chance to choose the bag with the money. Each bag had a statement on it, but only one statement was true. A: The money is in either Bag B or Bag C. B: The money is in either Bag A or Bag D. C: The money is in this bag. D: The money is not in this bag. Which statement is true, and which bag has the money?
Answer: Statement B is true. Bag D has the money. If Bag A had the money, then statements B and D would both be true. If Bag B had the money, then statements A and D would both be true. If Bag C had the money, then statements A, C, and D would all be true. But, we only need one true statement. If Bag D had the money, then the statements on all of the bags would be false, except for that on Bag B. This matches the conditions, so the money is in Bag D.
Money's in the Bag Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: On a bright and sunny day, a powerful and evil wizard locked Karen on the top floor of his tower. Then, the wizard set a huge magic fire around the base of the castle, so Karen would not be able to get out. The room had a small window. Karen looked around and saw three potions on the table. The first potion would give Karen incredible human strength. The second potion would turn Karen into a vampire. The third potion would let Karen summon any animal she'd like. Which potion should Karen choose to escape?
Answer: Karen should choose the potion that allows her to turn into a vampire (the second potion). Even if she has all of the strength in the world, she wouldn't be able to do anything to the magic fire. And no animal can help Karen escape. If Karen turns into a vampire, though, she can transform into a bat and fly away through the window. And I know what you're thinking, but no–even though it's a sunny day, bats cannot die in the sun.
Stuck in a Castle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Zack invented a game for him and his friend Dan to play. They would take turns saying numbers between one and 10. The next player would have to say a number that is greater than the previous one by a number between one and 10. The first player to say 50 would be the winner. Zack decides to let Dan start. How can Dan win?
Answer: If Dan wants to say 50, then he needs Zack to say a number between 40 and 49, so right before 50, Dan needs to say 39. If he wants to say 39, then Zack needs to say a number between 29 and 38, so right before 39, Dan needs to say 28. If Dan wants to say 28, Zack has to say a number between 18 and 27, so right before 28, Dan has to say 17. And if he wants to say 17, he has to let Zack say a number between 7 and 16, so right before 17, Dan has to say 6. In order to win, Dan needs to say 6, then 17, then 28, then 39, and finally 50.
First to Fifty Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Colin recently bought a new motorbike. One morning, he polished the bike for his evening bike ride, closed the garage, and went to work. When Colin came back, he found that the motorbike was gone. The man called the police, and the officers questioned three neighbors. Jessica said that she had stayed home all day because she was sick. Elizabeth said that when she was walking her dog, she saw that the motorbike was still in the garage. Pete said that he had come to Colin's house to ask for some garden tools, but when nobody opened the door for him, he simply left. Who stole the motorbike?
Answer: Elizabeth stole the motorbike. She couldn't possibly see that the bike was still in the garage because Colin closed the garage before leaving to go to work.
Colin's Motorbike Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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