Riddle: Zoe wants to do a science experiment where she drops two tennis balls into two buckets. She will drop the first tennis ball into a bucket filled with water at a temperature of 20°C, and she will drop the second tennis ball into a bucket at 20°F. Assuming that both tennis balls are completely identical and that they are both dropped into the buckets simultaneously, which ball will reach the bottom of its bucket first?
Answer: The tennis ball dropped into the second bucket will reach the bottom first. The water in the first bucket will slow down the first tennis ball, and thus, it will take longer for that ball to reach the bottom of the bucket. Did you think the "water" in the second bucket had to be frozen at 20°F? Well, I didn't say that there was water in the second bucket–the bucket ITSELF was at 20°F. Therefore, there is no water or ice to slow the first tennis ball down.
A Science Experiment with Buckets Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Nicholas loves to collect pairs of shoes. All of his pairs of shoes are blue, except for three; all of them are white, except for three; all of them are brown, except for three; finally, all of them are beige, except for three. How many pairs of shoes does Nicholas have?
Answer: Nicholas has four pairs of shoes. Let's say that x is the number of pairs of shoes Nicholas has. x - 3 should be the term we need to use because the phrase "(color) except for three" means that three pairs of shoes in his collection are NOT of that color. And we should use this term four times because four colors are mentioned in the riddle. 4(x - 3) should be equal to x because once again, x represents the number of pairs of shoes. Here is the algebra: 4 (x - 3) = x 4x - 12 = x -12 = -3x 4 = x Therefore, there are four pairs of shoes in Nicholas' collection: one blue, one white, one brown, and one beige.
Nicholas and the Pairs of Shoes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ryan and his son Ralph go to a pet store. Ralph sees a very cute rabbit, and asks Ryan to buy it for him. Ryan seems unsure about it, and tells Ralph, "Oh, Ralph, these rabbits can breed every two months, and each time, they will produce four bunnies. We're going to have so many rabbits in our house after a year, and I don't want to take care of them! They'll be too much to take care of!". Ralph laughs at Ryan and says,"Don't be so silly, Dad! We're not going to have that many rabbits in our house after that long!". Who is correct, and how many rabbits will Ralph and Ryan have in a year?
Answer: Ralph is correct; they will only have one rabbit after a year. Ralph and Ryan only saw one rabbit in the pet store, but a single rabbit simply can't breed on its own; it takes TWO rabbits to breed. Therefore, after one year, the two of them will only have that one rabbit…if they choose to buy it, that is.
Ralph and Ryan's Rabbits Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mr. Wilson was found unconscious in his bedroom on a Saturday evening. There were just five other people in his house at the time of the murder: Mr. Wilson's wife, their chef, a butler, a housemaid, and a gardener. They all told the detective what they were doing that evening. Mrs. Wilson: I was reading a book in the living room. The chef: I was cooking breakfast. The butler: I was giving instructions to several workers in the living room. The housemaid: I was in the kitchen, washing the dishes. The gardener: I was in the greenhouse, watering plants. The detective arrested the culprit right away. Who was it, and how did the detective know?
Answer: In fact, there wasn't just one culprit–there were TWO culprits: the personal chef and the butler. The personal chef is the first culprit; the murder happened in the EVENING. He couldn't be cooking breakfast so late in the day. The butler is the second culprit; there were only 5 other people in the house, including himself, and almost none of them were in the living room, except for the wife (but she is not a WORKER). He couldn't be supervising so many workers.
Mr. Wilson was found unconscious in his bedroom on a Saturday evening Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Wendy and Maverick are participating in a mathematical game show. Their scores are tied, so whoever gets the last riddle correct wins. The riddle goes like this: I am thinking of a number. It is a five-digit whole number. It can be read the same way forwards, backwards, and upside-down. The second digit is half of the third. The last digit is the product of the first and last digits. And the sum of all five digits is 10. What number am I thinking of? Wendy says, "12,421". Maverick says, "10,801". Who is correct?
Answer: Maverick is correct. The number is 10,801. This is why: Both numbers meet most of the requirements, but 12421 does not meet the second requirement because it CANNOT be read the same way upside-down as right-side-up. Many think 10801 does not meet the third requirement, but 0 CAN be half of 8 if you cut 8 in half horizontally. This way, you will get two zeros, and 10801 DOES meet the third requirement. Since only 10801 meets all the requirements, it is the correct answer, and Maverick is right!
Finals of a Math Game Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One night, Reyanna-a young and famous singer who recorded her first album just a half a year ago-was invited to perform at a concert. When it was her turn to sing, the audience was extremely excited…but Reyanna never appeared on the stage; she was found in her dressing room, unconscious. Police officers questioned three other singers who had to perform that night. Maria: I'm new to show business, so I came up to Reyanna to ask for some advice, but I didn't hit her! Christina: My cousin is one of Reyanna's biggest fans; she's been listening to her for years! I've even gotten her autograph for her! Erica: I didn't even see Reyanna-I was too nervous to leave my dressing room to go on stage! Who hit Reyanna?
Answer: It was Christina who hit Reyanna. She said that her cousin had been listening to Reyanna for YEARS, but the singer recorded her first album only six MONTHS ago.
Who Hit the Singer? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Beckett called the police and said that his little brother, Cody, had been kidnapped. The man told the officers, "I was walking in the park with Cody. Suddenly, a stranger ran up to us and snatched my brother! I told the man to put him down or else I'd call the police, but then he ran away!". The officers asked Beckett to give a description of the kidnapper. Beckett said, "The stranger was tall and thin, he had dark hair, and he was wearing a blue v-neck T-shirt,". After these words, Beckett was arrested for fraud. Why?
Answer: If the supposed stranger was running away from Beckett, the guy couldn't have seen that he was wearing a v-neck T-shirt because the v-neck is normally seen in the front, but Beckett could only see the guy's back.
Who Really Kidnapped the Boy? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are four cards in front of you. You don't know the suits, but that's not important. Assume that all of the following statements are true: 1) There are no ace cards. 2) The difference between the third card and the first card is 8. 3) The difference between the fourth card and the second card is 7. 4) There are no face cards. 5) The card on the left cannot be greater than the card on the right. What are the four cards?
Answer: The card on the far left is a 2, the card next to it is a 3, then there is a 10, and there is a 10 next to the first 10 card. Hey, I didn't say there couldn't be any cards of the SAME value!
Four Cards Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: It was the snowiest winter in the past 25 years, and Tina called the police to report a theft. The woman suspected that her neighbor, Natalie, had stolen her clothes. Tina said, "At 10:00, I went outside to hang my laundry. When I looked out of my window two hours later, I saw Natalie folding the clothes and putting them into a big bag. I immediately called the police after that,". Tina was taken into custody for slandering Natalie. Why?
Answer: It was very snowy all day. In two hours, damp laundry would be so frozen that Natalie wouldn't possibly be able to fold it so neatly and put it into a bag.
A Snowy Encounter Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Farmer Fresco has 25 cows. During a bad storm, all but 10 of the cows run away. How many cows does Farmer Fresco have now?
Answer: Farmer Fresco has 10 cows. The phrase "all but 10 of the cows run away" means that those 10 cows did not run away; they stayed with the farmer.
The Animals Run Away Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
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