Gabriella Simonetti

Riddle Count: 174
Riddle: What weighs more: 100 pounds of feathers or 1500 ounces of bricks?
Answer: 100 pounds of feathers weigh more than 1500 ounces of bricks because 100 pounds is equal to 1600 ounces, which is greater than 1500 ounces.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme.
Weight a Minute… Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Peter likes tomatoes, but not potatoes; he likes cucumbers, but can't stand carrots; Peter also enjoys grapes, but not lettuce. And he likes squash, but not onions. Would Peter like pumpkins or apples more?
Answer: Peter would like pumpkins more, because he only likes fruits and vegetables that grow on vines. Pumpkins grow on vines, while apples do not.
Picky Peter Riddle Meme.
Picky Peter Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chloe is a weather lady. At 11:58PM, she's trying to figure out the probability of sunny weather in 72 hours. What would the probability be?
Answer: Zero probability. In 72 hours, it will be close to midnight, and it can't possibly be sunny at midnight.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme.
There Was Midnight Rain Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are five doors in front of you in the following order: black, blue, black, black, blue. Only one door will lead you to freedom, and you only have one chance to pick it. Assuming that all three hints are true, can you pick the correct door? 1) The correct door is black. 2) The correct door is not next to the leftmost or the rightmost door. 3) The correct door is not in the middle.
Answer: The leftmost door is the correct door. There are only three black doors, so it's one of them (we can eliminate doors two and five because they are blue and not black). The fourth door should be eliminated next because it's next to the rightmost door, which contradicts the second hint (we can't eliminate the first door because it's not correct to say that the leftmost door is next to itself). And the middle door is a trap, too. Therefore, the first door is the best choice.
Five Doors, Four Traps, Three Hints, Two Colors, One Chance to Escape Riddle Meme.
Five Doors, Four Traps, Three Hints, Two Colors, One Chance to Escape Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Claudia invented a game for her friends to play at her birthday party. Here is how it goes: she will place two marbles into a box– one yellow marble, and one purple marble. The player will have to pull out one of the marbles from the box. If the marble is yellow, the player will win $100.00, but if the marble is purple, the player will have to pay $10.00. Claudia decided to trick the players by putting two purple marbles into the box, rather than one yellow and one purple. Brian watched the other players lose the game one by one. But when it was his turn, he won $100.00! How did he do it?
Answer: Brian pulled out one of the marbles, and, without showing it to anyone, quickly put it in his mouth, being careful not to swallow it. Then, he pulled out the remaining marble, which was purple, and showed it to everybody. According to the rules, it meant that the marble Brian had chosen was yellow. Claudia had to admit it, otherwise, everyone at the party would know that she was a liar.
How Did He Win?  Riddle Meme.
How Did He Win? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Zane is a big boss in a hugely successful company. Every week, however, he finds out that one of his worst employees has been stealing his documents. After a whole year of stolen documents, Zane rounds up his three worst employees– Kelly, Raymond, and Natalia– and questions them. Kelly says, "Raymond has been stealing your documents!". Raymond says, "I haven't been stealing your documents!". Natalia says, "I haven't been stealing your documents, either!". Only one of the employees is telling the truth. Who has been stealing the documents, and which employee is telling the truth?
Answer: Natalia has been stealing the documents. Raymond is telling the truth. If Kelly was the one stealing the documents, then she would be lying, and Raymond would be telling the truth. But then, Natalia would also be telling the truth, which goes against the condition that only one employee is telling the truth. If Raymond was the one stealing the documents, then he would be lying, Kelly would be telling the truth, and Natalia would also be telling the truth. This also contradicts that only one employee is honest. If Natalia was the one stealing the documents, then she is lying. But then, who is telling the truth? It's not Kelly, because if it was so, both she and Natalia would be telling the truth, and Raymond would be lying, which doesn't meet the requirements. Therefore, Raymond is telling the truth, Kelly and Natalia are both lying, and Natalia is the one stealing the documents.
Who Has Been Stealing the Documents?  Riddle Meme.
Who Has Been Stealing the Documents? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Dillon, Brandon, and Jacob are brothers. Assuming that all three of the following statements are true, which of them is the youngest? 1) Dillon is the oldest. 2) Brandon is not the oldest. 3) Jacob is not the youngest.
Answer: Brandon is the youngest brother. Dillon cannot be the youngest brother because the first statement says that he is the oldest; he can't be the oldest brother and the youngest one at the same time. Jacob cannot be the youngest brother either, because the third statement says that he is NOT the youngest; he can't be the youngest brother and NOT the youngest one at the same time. This leaves us with Brandon.
An Age Situation Riddle Meme.
An Age Situation Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Irene and her friend Mark were walking down the street when they saw two houses. Mark wanted to play a game with Irene. He said, "One family lives in each house. And each family has two pets: either dogs or cats. The first family has a dog who likes dry food, while the other pet likes canned food. The second family has a 6-year-old dog and a newborn pet. If you can guess which family has a cat, I'll take you out for lunch." Irene manages to get the riddle right, and the two of them go out for lunch. Which family did she choose?
Answer: Irene chose the first family. There are three different possibilities for the pets that the first family has: 1) an older dog and a younger cat; 2) a younger dog, and an older cat, and; 3) two dogs. Two of these options involve a cat, and all of them are equally possible, so the chance of the first family having a cat is 2/3. There are two different possibilities for the pets that the second family has: 1) a 6-year-old dog and a newborn dog, and; 2) a 6-year-old dog and a newborn cat. One of these options involves a cat, and both of them are equally possible, so the chance of the second family having a cat is 1/2. Irene's odds of winning will be higher if she chooses the first family.
Cats, Dogs, and Houses Riddle Meme.
Cats, Dogs, and Houses Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Simon and Bryce are two farmers. They want to see which of their chickens will lay more eggs in a month. Simon has four roosters; he claims that they can each lay 3 eggs in a day. Bryce has three hens; he claims that they can each lay 2 eggs in a day. The contest the two farmers propose happens in June. By the end of the month, which farmer will have the most eggs?
Answer: Bryce will have more eggs than Simon, simply because Simon is lying. Roosters don't lay eggs, so Simon will not have any eggs by the end of June.
Don't Count Your Chickens Riddle Meme.
Don't Count Your Chickens Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Dominick is the manager of a massively successful hotel. One day, his richest guest, Kim, calls him. She says that someone stole all of her money from the vault in her room. Dominick decides to question three other hotel guests–Sally, Lawrence, and Deborah. Dominick asks each of them just one question: "What were you doing within the last hour?" Sally says, "I was chilling in a hotel room with my boyfriend, and had nothing to do with the robbery." Lawrence says, "I was having lunch in the local sushi restaurant on the top floor. " Deborah says," I was swimming in the hotel swimming pool." Who is the robber?
Answer: Sally is the robber. Dominick never mentioned the robbery, but Sally started making excuses straight away.
Theft! At The Hotel Riddle Meme.
Theft! At The Hotel Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.